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Arts Faculty News

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Faculty of Arts At Home 3 - Staying in: NHS At Home

In this episode, Professor Roberta Bivins (History/Centre for the History of Medicine) explores how the NHS has always encouraged us to take action to protect our own health, and asks important questions about what kind of NHS we want in the future. Visit the website of the People's History of the NHS to learn more about the project.

Faculty of Arts at Home 2 - Staying in: Television and the Domestic Arts

In this second of our weekly Faculty of Arts at Home films, Professor Rachel Moseley (Film and Television Studies/Centre for Television History) explores the role that television has played in informing, educating and entertaining us about the domestic arts (cooking, sewing, home decoration, etc.). Rachel looks at the way the lines between public and private space have become blurred during the Covid-19 crisis and how we might make sense of this through television studies.

Faculty of Arts at Home 1- Staying in: The history of solitude in the home

Dr. Naomi Pullin from the History Department discusses what we might learn from the history of domestic solitude in the early modern home in relation to our current lockdown situation. The story that Naomi tells here, based on the correspondence of Lady Anne Dormer (1648–1695), is one of the importance of keeping in touch with those we love.

Past Time: A Learning Resource About Victorian Prisons

Check out the new learning resource released by Professor Hilary Marland Past Time: A Learning Resource About Victorian Prisons. It is available as a free download, behind a simple registration page here.

Artwork - New Faculty of Arts Building - Faith in the Miraculous

New Faculty of Arts building artwork commission. Can you spare 10 minutes to talk to artist Matthew Raw and to express your feelings and plans about the move of the Arts and Humanities departments into the new building? He is interested in talking to anyone who will live with the building (and mural!) every day. If you would like to be involved, please contact Sarah Shalgosky asap at

School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures (SCAPVC)

Nurturing creative practice alongside academic knowledge

A new creative venture from the Faculty of Arts will help develop the University as a powerhouse for the artistic, cultural, creative and media industries in the region and beyond. The new School of Creative Arts, Performance and Visual Cultures will redefine Warwick’s teaching and research in the arts, cultural and creative industries – offering great opportunities for students, graduates, external partners, academics and for public engagement.

New Faculty of Arts Building - Defining Moment - Car Park 7 Comes Down

A significant marker in the construction of the new Faculty of Arts Building. The commencement of demolition of the old Car Park 7. On Tuesday 8 May, representatives from the contractors Bowmer and Kirkland joined Alastair Dixon from the Estates Office and Diana Stonefield, the Director of Administration for the Faculty of Arts, to mark the start of the demolition of Car Park 7. The new Faculty of Arts building will be constructed on the site of Car Park 7 and is anticipated to be completed by 2021.

Representatives from the Faculty of Arts, Estates and the contractor Bowmer and Kirkland are standing infront of a large demolition lorry and besides the old Car Park 7.

Faculty of Arts Director of Administration to Retire

Dear Colleagues,

I want to let you know that Diana Stonefield, Faculty of Arts Director of Administration, will be retiring and leaving the University at the end of September 2024. Her last working day will be September 17th.

I know everyone will want to join me in offering Diana our heartfelt thanks for all of the incredible work she has done since she arrived at Warwick in 2016. Diana worked closely with Professor Penny Roberts, our previous Vice-Provost and Chair of Faculty, to bring the FAB project to successful completion and was instrumental in the mammoth task of bringing us into the building. She was also central to bringing the Arts community through the Covid pandemic and other challenges we have encountered over the last few years.

She has been an amazing support to me as I’ve come into this role and I shall miss her collegiality, pragmatic counsel and good humour very much. Please do join me in wishing her the happiest of retirements and sending her our fondest thoughts for the next phase!

With best wishes,


Professor Rachel Moseley

Vice Provost and Chair, Faculty of Arts

Fri 26 Jul 2024, 12:52 | Tags: News for staff

Student Voice: A Widening Participation Perspective Conference

This year's annual Widening Participation conference, with the theme of Student Voice: A Widening Participation Perspective, took place on Wednesday 8th March, with contributions from staff and students from across the University of Warwick, including contributions from the School of Modern Languages and Cultures and Liberal Arts.

A Noble Game: Warwick Arts Centre 22-24 February 2023

Lucy Alder, a final year History student, has written a play which is being staged at Warwick Arts Centre, February 2023

Lucy Alder, a final year History student, has written a play which is being staged at Warwick Arts Centre 22-24 February 2023. "A Noble Game" is a murder mystery that revolves around British aristocracy and their relationship with the media.

Visit A Noble Game | Warwick Arts Centre Link opens in a new windowLink opens in a new windowfor full details and to purchase tickets.

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