Buckinghamshire Record Society vol.38 (2018, published in 2019): Stoke Mandeville Wills and Inventories 1552-1853, edited by Honor Lewington.

For many centuries Stoke Mandeville was a small, agricultural village.  Its inhabitants wrote wills when they had something to bequeath, and their inventories showed what they had owned.  Probate material concerning 134 people has been transcribed in this volume, revealing that many things changed over time but some families and their preoccupations endured.  The site of the former church and churchyard where most of them were buried is due to be redeveloped for the HS2 railway, but traces of their lives survive in the documents they left behind.

More information on the BRS website (http://www.bucksrecsoc.org.uk/BRSpub038.html) or email the General Editor, David Noy (d.noy@btinternet.com).