Welcome to New Students
Congratulations on your place at Warwick. An exciting new chapter in your life is about to start and we are looking forward to you joining us. In Computer Science we encourage bold, independent thinking and offer the highest quality academic experience to stretch and challenge you. We are proud of our diverse and talented students and know that you will find a place for yourself.
Over the next few weeks, we’ll be in touch about a number of things to get you ready to start here. In the meantime, please do take a look at our on-line welcome pages and student handbookLink opens in a new window where you will find more information about your course and department. In order to access the handbook you’ll need to log in with your ITS account (see below for details of how to do this). Together with colleagues across the University, we are committed to supporting your academic success and professional development. We have a range of support available for you to use both in the Computer Science Department and the wider University which you'll discover more upon arrival.
-Dr James Archbold, Director of Student Experience
Your Course
Click here to view the first year course structure and read about the modules you'll be studying.
Your Campus
Navigate campus with ease. Launch the interactive map to find your way.
Your Events
Get social! Read all about the SU here and follow us on social media (Facebook, X).
Recommended IT
We get a lot of questions about what laptop to get before you start. We have some advice hereLink opens in a new window.
Our People
Head of Department Director of UG Studies Student Experience Team Senior Tutors All Staff detailsDetails of all academic, technical and professional services staff can be found here
What our students think...
You do not have to take our word for it, you can find quotes from our students on our student life page, and in our undergraduate admissions brochure, which can be found on our undergraduate admissions page.
Give them a read and get an idea of what some our own undergraduates think about student life at Warwick!
Undergraduate Welcome Week
Induction activities will take place during Welcome Week (commencing 23 September 2024) and will give you the opportunity to:
1. learn about the structure of your course and opportunities available to you;
2. meet other students on your course;
3. meet key members of staff in your department.
Welcome Week is designed to help you settle in, make new friends and prepare yourself for the start of term. While some of the events are organised at a university level, a subject-specific induction programme provided by the Computer Science Department is timetabled for the Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. In addition to the sessions outlined above we are also making our labs available at some other times for supported drop-in sessions for anyone who would like a bit more practice in using the local system or for those who have been trying out our preparatory programming resources and would like to chat to a tutor about this. Details of the timings of these sessions will be provided in the Welcome Week information.Registering your ITS account
If you haven’t enrolled and registered for your university (ITS) account, now is a good time to do so by visiting the warwick.ac.uk/welcome website. Your timetable will appear on Tabula and some of the Computer Science resources won’t be accessible unless you log in with your university account. When you arrive in the university we’ll also start sending you important information via university email so it’s good to get that sorted in good time.
Preparations for study
There is no need to conduct extensive preparation work before beginning your course but, particularly for those who have no previous experience of programming, you may find it useful to familiarise yourself with a basic introduction to programming and computing concepts. We have provided some resources to help you with this. Please take a look at our Reading List resources page to find more about these preparatory resources and other reading relevant to your course that all students may find of interest. Learning some basics of programming and writing even a few small programs of your own will be a great way to prepare. We have prepared an easy online resource for you to learn how to program in Python to get you started. We shall of course provide ample support to help you develop your programming skills after you arrive.
Make sure, if you’re a Discrete Mathematics student that you have completed the 'refresher maths' course. Information will be sent in time for Welcome Week.
Support you'll receive
As a new student, you will be assigned a Personal Tutor who can provide academic advice and guidance to you. There will also be a Meet and Greet session in Welcome Week where you will get the opportunity to meet existing students from the department to ask any questions you might have and help orientate you with the department and other aspects of life at Warwick and the Department of Computer Science.
The University of Warwick Computing Society (UWCS), is also a great place to meet people and seek advice. Society reps will be running activities during Welcome Week where there will be opportunities to find out more about our home society.
International Students
Complete the ‘International Students Student Success’ online course to help prepare you for life in the UK and at Warwick.
It offers practical advice on living and studying in the UK, peer communication, confidence building, and mental health strategies. It only takes an average of 2 to 4 hours to complete the core content and is a great way of getting ready for your studies at Warwick.
What next?
You will receive an email from us before you start your studies so keep an eye on your inbox. We will be talking about your timetable and our Welcome Week events. You will also receive emails from the University about services, opportunities and support available to you as a student.