Legal Notice
Department Information Servers
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick maintains a WWW server. The information accessible from this server is provided in good faith, but neither the Department nor the University of Warwick takes any legal responsibility whatsoever for the accuracy (or otherwise) of that data. If you notice any errors or omissions, we would appreciate you mailing us using the "Page contact" at the bottom of every page.
Personal Home Pages and Information Servers
Some members of the Department, both staff and students, maintain their own WWW pages; these are of one of the two following forms
Personal servers (which all use TCP/IP protocol port numbers >= 1024) also exist on some machines within the domain
The Department allows personal home pages, but does not control the content of them, the responsibility for which rests solely with the author. Any personal servers running within the domain are unofficial, and the responsibility for these similarly rests with the author.
All pages stored on the site (apart from personal home pages) are Copyright © The University of Warwick.