The Department of Computer Science has a number of longstanding relationships with industry including collaborations on research, invitations to bespoke and curated careers events, and more. We are also open to running ad-hoc or one-off events that fit alongside our existing offering of events.
As many as
of graduates are in graduate employment or further study
within 15 months of graduation
(The Guardian University League Table 2024 for Computer Science and Information Systems)
Median Salary of
15 months after graduating
for all graduates of Department of Computer Science undergraduate courses working full time in the UK
(Derived from the Graduate Outcomes survey of 2020/21 graduates, carried out approximately 15 months after completion*.)
We are the
most targeted university
by UK's top employers
(The Graduate Market 2024, High Fliers Research LTD)
This is a representative sample of the different ways that your organisation can engage with the Department of Computer Science. It is not exhaustive - if you think of some other way to partner with us, please get in touch!
Job Postings
Warwick University uses the MyAdvantage careers portal to post career opportunities - including internships, placements, graduate jobs, and work experience. All students use MyAdvantage to sign up for careers events and to view postings for careers, internships and more. We encourage all employers to list their job openings on MyAdvantage as early as possible and in line with our term dates to maximise visibility for interested students. Once you have posted, feel free to let us know so we can signal-boost through relevant departmental channels.
For more information, please see the Employer Connect team's information about MyAdvantage.
Student Careers Events
Computing Your Career (CYC), early in the Autumn term, is the flagship event of the department's careers calendar. Every year, hundreds of students join to watch invited talks from a curated group of employers from across the spectrum of industry - financial technologies, AI, web, games, and beyond - and network directly with representatives. Attendees cite the smaller group talks and the variety of industry representation as highlights of this annual event.
The university's central Student Opportunity team, in addition to their programme of careers fairs, also runs a number of targeted employer events which are available to all students. Historic events have included topics such as Careers in Tech and Data and Women in Tech.
To express interest in attending our student careers events, please get in touch.
Ad-Hoc Careers Events
We have a number of routes to engage with the department on careers outside of CYC. For example:
- Running one-off talks of technical interest, where you might also seek to share information about careers in your organisation or technical field
- Supporting careers-based workshops, such as technical interview preparation, CV review, or transferrable skills
- Bringing some employees and a stand to our department for a few hours to discuss options with interested students
If one or more of these appeal to you, or you have other ideas for routes to engage, please get in touch.
Advisors and Customers for Dissertations
Across their third year, students undertake an individual dissertation project which forms a major component of their final grade. This is self-led with guidance from an academic supervisor. Since 2023 we have introduced a programme for students to have an optional external industry advisor, who can either suggest and advise on a specific project or give general support and advice from an outside perspective. We have accepted advisors from small startups right up to multinational corporations and non-governmental organisations, and across a wealth of Computer Science topics.
Industry advisor positions for 2024-25 are now closed, but you may still register interest for future years.
Guest Lectures
Employability is closely embedded into our curriculum, and talks from practitioners make a real difference to how students view the subjects they are learning. Many of our applied modules include guest lectures from industry as part of their standard offering. We also have a number of general and field-specific departmental colloquiums which are of interest to undergraduates, postgraduates and academics alike.
If you are interested in giving a guest lecture on a subject, or would like to run or support in-curriculum practical workshops relating to industry or specific fields of computer science, please get in touch.
Research Collaborations
The University of Warwick has a proud history of research collaborations with industry. Many of the department's most prominent academics work alongside industry to empower cutting-edge developments in software design and development, AI & machine learning, computational biology, and much more. Examples of high-powered research collaborations include the Tissue Analysis Centre's partnership with GSK to advance the field of computational pathology.
To enquire about potential research collaborations, please reach out to Alex Dixon, DCS Careers & Industry Liaison.
The department offers a number of academic and extracurricular events which feature prizes and awards. These include:
- End-of-year awards for academic performance
- The DCS Innovation Competition, where aspiring entrepreneurs pitch projects to a panel of industry experts
- The Great Warwick Game Jam, a DCS-hosted video game design hackathon open to all students
Sponsoring such events is a great way to build name recognition within the department and build a stronger relationship with students and with us. If you are not able to sponsor an event, many of these events also require judges, and we would be happy to have you join us to judge some of our excellent student entries!
Warwick Computing Society
The University of Warwick Computing Society is the student society for the department, but is open to all Warwick students with an interest in computing. UWCS holds many events of broad interest to students including industry talks, employer networking events, and student-led hackathons. They actively seek sponsorship for these events and historic sponsorships of UWCS have led to many long term careers for graduates.
We also operate a scholarship programme to support students for underrepresented groups, such as the Women in Computing Scholarship programme, and are actively seeking additional organisations to help bring this programme to more students.
If you are interested in supporting any of these departmental activities, we will be very happy to hear from you. Please reach out to Alex Dixon, DCS Careers & Industry Liaison.
Work With Us
The Department of Computer Science careers & industry team would love to hear from you! Please note that our departmental careers programme is very strong and we will not be able to accommodate every request for engagement, but we will respond to any queries and will always be happy to have more contacts for future events.
For student careers and related matters such as:
- Posting job openings that are relevant to our students
- Attending our departmental careers events
- Collaborating on bespoke events or industry talks
Please contact our departmental Careers inbox at
For non-student-facing matters such as:
- Research collaborations or dissertation advisors
- Sponsorships of departmental or student society activities
- Longer term partnerships
Please reach out to Dr Alex Dixon, Assistant Professor and the department's Careers & Industry Liaison, at
*Contains HESA data: Copyright Jisc 2024. Jisc cannot accept responsibility for any inferences or conclusions derived by third parties from its data.