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Welcome Dr Matthias Englert! New Assistant Professor of Computer Science

Dr Matthias Englert joined our department as a new Assistant Professor in September 2011.


A short bio:

Matthias received his undergraduate degree in Computer Science at the TU Dortmund and then his PhD in Computer Science in 2008 from the RWTH Aachen University, Germany. In 2008 he won the prestigious EPSRC Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Theoretical Computer Science, hosted by our department in Warwick; title of his project was »Randomisation in Online Algorithms, Load Balancing and other Dynamic Problems«. In September 2008, he joined the Department of Computer Science and DIMAP at the University of Warwick as a Postdoctoral fellow.

His current research interest lies in Theoretical Computer Science, in the area of the analysis of algorithms, more precisely in online algorithms, metric embeddings, load balancing, probabilistic input models, and algorithmic game theory.

For more information please see his page at ... or stop by in his office CS2.23.

We're very happy to welcome Matthias in our department!

Thu 28 Jul 2011, 16:26 | Tags: People Jobs and studentships