Computer Science News
Opening: Assistant Professor (Lectureship)
The Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick invites applications from candidates with proven excellence in research in computer science for the new opening as Assistant Professor in Computer Science.
Candidates are required to have a PhD in Computer Science or related discipline, should be able to demonstrate excellent research potential in computer science, and should be capable of research leadership, e.g., co-supervising MSc and PhD students in Computer Science and contributing to the preparation of research grants. Ideally the candidate will complement the research in the Department, but other research areas will also be considered in particularly strong cases. Special considerations will be given to candidates with interdisciplinary interests and industrial research experience. Candidates should also have excellent teaching skills as they will be expected to deliver taught modules in Computer Science and contribute to curriculum development.
To apply, please follow the instructions available on the official University web-page.
Please quote job vacancy reference number 30149-121.
Closing date for applications: 6 February 2012 (midnight British time).