Computer Science News
Six papers accepted to the 47th ICALP
We are pleased to report that members of the department's Theory and Foundations research theme have had 6 papers accepted to the 47th International Colloquium on Automata, Languages and Programming, the main European conference in Theoretical Computer Science and annual meeting of the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science. The papers are:
- On the central levels problem by Petr Gregor, Ondřej Mička and Torsten Mütze
- Matrices of optimal tree-depth and row-invariant parameterized algorithm for integer programming by Timothy Chan, Jacob Cooper, Martin Koutecký, Dan Král and Kristýna Pekárková
- The Complexity of Verifying Loop-free Programs as Differentially Private by Marco Gaboardi, Kobbi Nissim and David Purser
- Rational subsets of Baumslag-Solitar groups by Michaël Cadilhac, Dmitry Chistikov and Georg Zetzsche
- The Strahler number of a parity game by Laure Daviaud, Marcin Jurdzinski and K. S. Thejaswini
- On the power of ordering in linear arithmetic theories by Dmitry Chistikov and Christoph Haase