Adam Shephard
Contact Details
Room: CS3.04
Department of Computer Science
University of Warwick, Coventry, CV4 7AL
Adam Shephard is a Research Fellow in the Tissue Image Analytics (TIA) CentreLink opens in a new window and is currently working on the Cancer Research UK funded ANTICIPATE project in collaboration with Prof Syed Ali Khurram at the University of Sheffield. Adam joined the TIA Centre in 2020 after completing his PhD at Aston University, where his thesis was titled ‘The Application of Deep Learning to Paediatric Brain MRI: Lesion Segmentation and Outcome Prediction’. Adam's PhD was jointly funded by the European Research Council and the Aston University 50 year prize studentship. During his PhD he gained a keen interest in machine learning, specifically deep learning approaches, and their application to medical imaging. Now working on the ANTICIPATE project, his focus is on using deep learning in conjunction with histopathology to explore both the better grading of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia and the better prediction of its progression to malignancy in head and neck cancers.
Research Interests
Computational Pathology, Deep Learning, Machine Learning, Medical Imaging, Early Cancer Detection, Oral Epithelial Dysplasia.
TIA Centre Seminars
I organise and chair the TIA Centre Seminar Series, where we invite researchers and leaders in the area of computational pathology and associated areas to discuss their work and stimulate thought-provoking discussions. The vast majority of our seminars are recorded and also available on our YouTube channel.
Please contact me via email ( if you are interested in attending a particular seminar, or even giving a seminar. Alternatively, please fill-out the following form if you are interested in registering for the seminar series mailing list TIA Seminar Series Registration.
CS908: Research MethodsLink opens in a new window
Please click hereLink opens in a new window to see Adam's publications on Google Scholar.