Anton Baychkov
About Me
I am a PhD student (2024-) in Warwick's multi-agent systems group, supervised by Dr Markus Brill. My work is supported by the EPSRC DTP Studentship.
Research Interests
My current research focus is on participatory budgeting, but I am interested in a wide range of topics in computational social choice and algorithmic game theory.
- Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) in Economics at the University of Sydney (2020). Joye Prize for the best Economics Honours student. Thesis title: "Network Formation with Link Establishment Costs".
- Bachelor of Commerce and Bachelor of Science (Advanced Mathematics) at the University of Sydney (2015-2019).
- Cutoff stability under distributional constraints with an application to summer internship matching - Haris Aziz, Anton Baychkov and Péter Biró. Mathematical Programming (2022).
Summer Internship Matching with Funding Constraints - Haris Aziz, Anton Baychkov and Péter Biró. AAMAS (2020).
- GTA for CS359 (Computational Social Choice) - Term 2 2024/25.
- GTA for CS260 (Algorithms) - Term 1 2024/25.