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Reading sessions

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  • A Succinct Range Proof for Polynomial-based Vector Commitment (CCS'24)
  • SOAP: A Social Authentication Protocol (USENIX security'24)
  • SoK: Attacks on DAOs (Arxiv, 2024)
  • Waveform Boundary Detection for Partially Spoofed Audio (ICASSP'23)
  • DeVoS: Deniable Yet Verifiable Vote Updating (PETS'24)



  • Dual-decoder-based Robust Audio Watermarking Against Desynchronization and Replay Attacks (TIFS'24)
  • Bulletproofs++: Next Generation Confidential Transactions via Reciprocal Set Membership Arguments (EUROCRYPT'24)
  • Unveiling Vulnerabilities in DAO: A Comprehensive Security Analysis and Protective Framework (Blockchain'23)
  • Optimal and Near-Optimal Mechanism Design with Interdependent Values (EC'13)


  • HyperNova: Recursive arguments for customizable constraint systems (CRYPTO'24)
  • Lossless Data Hiding in NTRU Cryptosystem by Polynomial Encoding and Modulation (IEEE TIFS'24)
  • No Transaction Fees? No Problem! Achieving Fairness in Transaction Fee Mechanism Design (AAMS'24)
  • Investigating Voter Perceptions of Printed Physical Audit Trails for Online Voting (IEEE S&P'24)


  • Nova: Recursive Zero-Knowledge Arguments from Folding Schemes (CRYPTO'22)
  • Insight into voting in DAOs: conceptual analysis and a proposal for evaluation framework (IEEE Network'24)
  • Masked Relation Learning for DeepFake Detection (IEEE TIFS'23)
  • Transaction Fee Mechanism Design with Active Block Producers (Arxiv)
  • Injection Attacks Against End-to-End Encrypted Applications (IEEE S&P'24)


  • Protostar: Generic Efficient Accumulation/Folding for Special-sound Protocols" (ASIACRYPT'23)
  • DeAR: A Deep-learning-based Audio Re-recording Resilient Watermarking (AAAI'23)
  • Price Manipulability in First-Price Auctions (WWW'22)
  • Faster coercion-resistant e-voting by encrypted sorting (EVOTE-ID'23)
  • SAVER: SNARK-compatible Verifiable Encryption (FC'24)


  • Unlocking the lookup singularity with Lasso (EUROCRYPT'24)
  • Blockchain Price vs. Quantity Controls (FC'24)
  • TI2Net: Temporal Identity Inconsistency Network for Deepfake Detection (WACV'23)
  • Thwarting Last-Minute Voter Coercion (IEEE S&P'24)


  • Black-Box Dataset Ownership Verification via Backdoor Watermarking (TIFS'22)
  • LegoSNARK: Modular Design and Composition of Succinct Zero-Knowledge Proofs (CCS'19)
  • Scan, Shuffle, Rescan: Two-Prover Election Audits With Untrusted Scanners (FC'24)
  • Sphinx-in-the-Head: Group Signatures from Symmetric Primitives (ACM TOPS'24)
  • One-shot signatures and applications to hybrid quantum/classical authentication (Presentation slides by MD)


  • Domain Generalization via Aggregation and Separation for Audio Deepfake Detection" (TIFS'24)
  • Evaluating the Security Posture of Real-World FIDO2 Deployments (CCS'23)
  • Demystifying DeFi MEV Activities in Flashbots Bundle (CCS'23)
  • Sigma Protocols from Verifiable Secret Sharing and Their Applications (ASIACRYPT'23)


  • ECLIPSE: Enhanced Compiling Method for Pedersen-Committed zkSNARK Engines (PKC'22)
  • AntiFake: Using Adversarial Audio to Prevent Unauthorized Speech Synthesis (CCS'23)
  • Ou: Automating the Parallelization of Zero-Knowledge Protocols (CCS'23)
  • Why I Can’t Authenticate — Understanding the Low Adoption of Authentication Ceremonies with Autoethnography (CHI'23)


  • Estimating Approximate Incentive Compatibility (ACM EC'19)
  • Coercion-Resistant Cast-as-Intended Verifiability for Computationally Limited Voters (VOTING'23)
  • Multi-Factor Credential Hashing for Asymmetric Brute-Force Attack Resistance (Euro S&P'23)


  • Short Paper: Privacy Preserving Decentralized Netting (DeFi'22 workshop from FC'22)
  • Private Internet Voting on Untrusted Voting Devices (VOTING'23 workshop from FC'23)
  • Freaky Leaky SMS: Extracting User Locations by Analyzing SMS Timings (USENIX Security'23)
  • FIDO2 the Rescue? Platform vs. Roaming Authentication on Smartphones (Chi'23)


  • Decentralized Privacy-Preserving Netting Protocol on Blockchain for Payment Systems [FC'20]


  • Deepfake CAPTCHA: A Method for Preventing Fake Calls [ASIACCS'23]
  • Lattice Signature with Efficient Protocols, Application to Anonymous Credentials [CRYPTO'23]


  • How to take over kindle with an e-book [Other venues]
  • Puncturable Signature: A Generic Construction and Instantiations [ESORICS'22]


  • Combating Robocalls with Phone Virtual Assistant Mediated Interaction - [USENIX Security'23]
  • VoteXX : A Solution to Improper Influence in Voter-Verifiable Elections [E-vote-ID'22]


  • Groove: Flexible Metadata-Private Messaging - [USENIX OSDI'22]
  • IoT goes nuclear: creating a Zigbee chain reaction [IEEE S&P'17]
  • Device Fingerprinting with Peripheral Timestamps [IEEE S&P'22]
  • Modern EMV and NFC cardholder verification issues The Cryptogram Confusion Attack [Other venues]
  • Constructing and Deconstructing Intentional Weaknesses in Symmetric Ciphers [CRYPTO'22]






  • ASIACCS'22 (2nd day)
    • Cellular Security: Why is it Difficult?
    • RecIPE: Revisiting the Evaluation of Memory Error Defenses
    • Mixed Certificate Chains for the Transition to Post-Quantum Authentication in TLS 1.3
    • DPaSE: Distributed Password-Authenticated Symmetric-Key Encryption, or How to Get Many Keys from One Password


  • ASIACCS'22 (1st day)


  • EuroS&P'22
    • WatchAuth: User Authentication and Intent Recognition in Mobile Payments using a Smartwatch
    • HyperLogLog: Exponentially Bad in Adversarial Settings
    • SIERRA: Ranking Anomalous Activities in Enterprise Networks
    • aaeCAPTCHA: The Design and Implementation of Audio Adversarial CAPTCHA
    • SoK: Privacy-Preserving Computing in the Blockchain Era


  • CCS'21 (any day):
    • This Sneaky Piggy Went to the Android AD Market.
    • Wireless Charging Power Side-Channel Attacks
    • With a Little Help from My Friends: Constructing Practical Anonymous Credentials
    • United We Stand: Collaborative Detection and Mitigation of Amplification DDoS Attacks at Scale





  • FC'22:
    • What Peer Announcements Tell Us About the Size of the Bitcoin P2P Network;
    • India's "Aadhaar" Biometric ID: Structure, Security, and Vulnerabilities;
    • ABSNFT: Securitization and Repurchase Scheme for Non-Fungible Tokens Based on Game Theoretical Analysis;
    • A Centrality Analysis of the Lightning Network;
    • Analysis and Probing of Parallel Channels in the Lightning Network




  • Cryptocurrency and De-Fi


  • Cryptocurrency and De-Fi


  • Cryptocurrency and De-Fi







  • IEEE S&P 2021 (session 9-13)
  • 1) A Decentralized and Encrypted National Gun Registry; 2) Epochal Signatures for Deniable Group Chats; 3) The EMV Standard: Break, Fix, Verify; 4) SoK: Security and Privacy in the Age of Commercial Drones; 5) Breaking the Specification: PDF Certification; 6) BUFFing signature schemes beyond unforgeability and the case of post-quantum signatures


  • IEEE S&P 2021 (session 5-8)
  • 1) On the Just-In-Time Discovery of Profit-Generating Transactions in DeFi Protocols; 2) Cross-Domain Access Control Encryption -- Arbitrary-policy, Constant-size, Efficient; 3) Cross Layer Attacks and How to Use Them (for DNS Cache Poisoning, Device Tracking and More); 4) SoK: Computer-Aided Cryptography; 5) Lightweight Techniques for Private Heavy Hitters


  • IEEE S&P 2021 (session 1-4)
  • Papers read: 1) merkle^2: A Low-Latency Transparency Log System; 2) High-Frequency Trading on Decentralized On-Chain Exchanges; 3) Is Private Learning Possible with Instance Encoding? 4) Using Selective Memoization to DefeatRegular Expression Denial of Service (ReDoS); 5) Doing good by fighting fraud: Ethical anti-fraud systems for mobile payments


  • RWC'20 (YouTube)
  • Papers read: 1) Protocols for Checking Compromised Credentials; 2) too much crypto; 3) Challenges and Cryptographic Solutions with Payment-Channel Networks; 4) Are Certificate Thumbprints Unique?; 5) First chosen prefix collision on SHA 1; 6) Dragonblood: Analyzing the DragonflyHandshake of WPA3 and EAP-pwd


  • RWC'20
  • Papers read: 1) use direct anonymous attestation for mobile phone authentication; 2) privacy-preserving query of breached passwords; 3) detect money laundering by using MPC; 4) decetralized oracles for TLS; 5) IETF MLS standard; 6) symmetric key based threshold encryption; 7) attacking Moscow Internet voting system.


  • IEEE S&P'20 (session 7-9)
  • Highlights: 1) fault injection attack against SGX; 2) automatically verifying Ethereum smart contracts; 3) analyzing the maritime wireless communication; 4) extracting data from cars for privacy analysis; 5) covert channel attacks against FPGA through power supply unit; 6) attack on SDN


  • IEEE S&P'20 (session 4-6)
  • Highlights: 1) transparent ZKP (no trusted setup); 2) user study on ballot marking devices; 3) uncovering hidden inputs in apps; 4) stealth partitioning attack; 5) light client for transaction verification on mobile phones; 6) analysis of Style/Swiss e-voting


  • IEEE S&P'20 (session 1-3)
  • Highlights: 1) Bluetooth impersonation attacks; 2) de-anonymization attacks against Bluetooth; 3) network cache attacks; 4) auto-detection of bystanders; 5) analysis of 4 and 6-digit PINs for smartphones


  • EuroS&P'20
  • Highlights: 1) 2FA based on trust zone; 2) 2-party set operation with DP; 3) detecting malicious DNS behavior; 4) biometric backdoor by manipulating template updates.


  • RWC'21
  • Highlights: 1) breaking Bridgefy (private group messaging); 2) abuse of Covid notification to influence US election; 3) attack threshold wallet; 4) automatically patching code for power leakage; 5) analysing Yubico protocol (W3C).


  • CCS'20
  • Highlights: detecting malicious extension by analyzing updates; safely truncating MAC by keeping a state in continuous authentication; IoT pairing helped by a smartwatch (proposed an encoding scheme for fuzzy commitment; is it secure?); analyzing phone messages from fake base stations; hardened password storage by using a rate-limiting third party and secret sharing; DNS cache attack based on divide-and-conquer, hence 2 x 2^16 instead of 2^32.


  • CCS'19 (session 10)
  • Highlights: dynamic proactive secret sharing; 7-year review of Let's Encrypt; two-party PSI; domain-impersonation in TLS; verifiable secret sharing with share recovery


  • CCS'19 (session 9)
  • Highlights: apply adversarial ML to defeat Ad blocker; SPHINCS+ post-quantum signature; Geneva censorship evasion strategy


  • CCS'19 (session 8)
  • Highlights: active attacks against zcash and subliminal channels; transforming malicious Javascript into benign undetectable forms; new ZKP (zkay) for smart contracts; graph-based detection of insiders in an enterprise; automated analysis of PHP (Malmax); cache-based DoS attacks


  • CCS'19 (session 7)
  • Highlights: attack on BLE "just work" pairing based on fingerprinting UUID; 2/3 honest-majority for malicious adversaries; new ZKP to prevent substitution of public keys in (PKI-based) E2E messaging; applying double-spending-tracing in e-cash to the credential system.


  • CCS'19 (session 6)
  • Highlights: the use of hand vibration for authentication (Velody); a method to distinguish spoofed voice generated by speakers; reducing the linear O(n) complexity for verifying the certificate transparency proofs; a "probabilistic" method to test if a password is in a compromised dataset; a protocol to check if a username/password is within a compromised database.


  • CCS'19 (session 5)
  • Highlights: the flaw of Linux control group permission; the flaw in AMD software (backward) update; the use of n-shot learning for website fingerprinting (learning more with less data); fingerprinting a computing device based on hardware discrepancies in the CPU (use LibXtract to extract features automatically)


  • CCS'19 (session 4)
  • Highlights: a method to reduce collateral (amount on hold in the payment channel); a method (Erlay) to improve broadcast efficiency of bitcoin transactions; combining power adjustment with mining attack; three-party MPC (symmetric key based)


  • CCS'19 (session 3)
  • Highlights: post-quantum privacy for blockchain based on lattice; hot/code wallets for bitcoin; formal tools to verify the correctness of Helios code (no error found, so the verifier is right?)


  • CCS'19 (session 2)
  • Highlights: side-channel attack to extract ECDSA from TrustZone; info leakage for database search based on the frequency; traceback for E2E encryption based on using the message as the key; compromise router to amplify cryptojacking; feeding noise to prevent adversarial ML; testing PCI DSS compliance (good presentations).





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