Marcin Jurdzinski
Associate Professor (Reader)
Research groups: Foundations of Computer Science, Centre for Discrete Mathematics and Its Applications (DIMAP)
PhD students: Michail Fasoulakis (2012-2016), John Fearnley (2007-2010), MichaĆ Rutkowski (2006-2011), Ashutosh Trivedi (2005-2009)
Post-docs: Laure Daviaud (2017-2018)
Events: FSTTCS'19, ALC'19, CAALM, SODA'19, TIME'18, RP'18, ErichFest, Highlights'18, MOVEP'18, ICALP'18, LICS'18, SR'18, ISMP'18, HALG'18, LATA'18, PhD Open Warsaw, Logic and Learning, DIMAP10, TIME'17, Highlights'17, Fast Iterative Methods in Optimization, LICS'17, HALG'17
A current project: Solving Parity Games in Theory and Practice
A visitor: Laurent Doyen, a Rutherford Visiting Fellow