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Nasir Rajpoot

Job Title
Computer Science
024 7657 3795
Web Link
Research Interests

Computational Pathology, Applied Machine Learning, Transparent AI, Cancer Biomarkers


Hailing from the ancient Asian city of Multan, Nasir Rajpoot is the GSK Professor of Computational Pathology at the University of Warwick and Honorary Scientist at the Department of Pathology, University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire (UHCW) NHS Trust. Prior to completing his PhD in Computer Science from Warwick in 2001, he was a Postgraduate Research Fellow in the Applied Math program (partially based at the School of Medicine) at Yale University (USA) during 1998-2000 and a Systems Engineering Fellow at PIEAS (Pakistan) during 1994-1996.

Prof Rajpoot is the founding Director of Tissue Image Analytics (TIA) Centre (previously the TIA lab) at Warwick since 2012 and also co-Director of the recently funded £15m PathLAKE centre of excellence on AI in pathology since Jan 2019. The focus of current research in TIA Centre led by Prof Rajpoot is on AI and machine learning algorithms for the study of histological and multi-omic markers of cancer biology, with applications to early detection of cancer and stratification of cancer patients in terms of recurrence, progression and response to therapy. He has been active in the digital pathology community for almost two decades now and has delivered over 80 invited and keynote talks since 2015 at various national and international events and institutions.

Prof Rajpoot recently served as President of the European Congress on Digital Pathology (ECDP), which took place at Warwick in April 2019. Previously, he served as the General Chair of the UK Medical Image Understanding and Analysis (MIUA) conference in 2010 and as the Technical Chair of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC) in 2007. He co-chaired several meetings in the histology image analysis (HIMA) series since 2008 and served as a founding PC member of the SPIE Digital Pathology meeting since 2012. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and member of the Association of the Computing Machinery (ACM), the British Association of Cancer Research (BACR), the European Association of Cancer Research (EACR) and the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO).

Prof Rajpoot was recently awarded the Wolfson Fellowship by the UK Royal Society and the Turing Fellowship by the Alan Turing Institute, the UK's national data science institute.

Title Funder Award start Award end
COBIx: Multi-site validation of automated AI tool for screening of large bowel endoscopic biopsy slides National Institute for Health Research (NIHR DoH) 01 Apr 2023 31 Mar 2026
BIGPICTURE European Research Council (ERC) 01 Feb 2021 31 Jan 2026
Studentship with AstraZeneca on Investigate and Mitigate the Impact of Domain Shift factors for Hematoxylin & Eosin Stained Histology Images AstraZeneca UK Limited 01 Mar 2022 31 Aug 2025
Robustness & Generalisability of DL Algorithms for Histology Images - Studentship with GSK GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Ltd 17 Jan 2023 16 Jul 2025
GSK Chair Agreement GlaxoSmithKline Research and Development Ltd 01 Dec 2022 31 May 2025
ANTICIPATE- Artificial Intelligence to improve Classification and Predict Malignant Transformation of Oral Epithelial Dysplasia Cancer Research UK 01 Oct 2020 31 Jan 2025
PathLake Plus Follow on Innovate UK 01 Jan 2022 30 Sep 2024
Driving system-wide improvements with real world health economics evidence and subspecialist-led adoption cguidelines for full workflow implementation of AI with Paige Prostate cancer detection, grading and quantification tool in Cellular Pathology Departments. NHSX 01 Sep 2021 29 Aug 2024
Studentship from Coventry General Charities - student Ruyou Wang Coventry General Charities 05 Oct 2020 04 Apr 2024
MSInRed: Digital Pathology and AI based Association and Integration of Histological and Molecular Fingerprints of Microsatellite Instability in Colorectal Cancer UK Research and Innovation 26 Sep 2022 31 Mar 2024
Warwick-KU Collaboration on Domain-Invariant Artificial Intelligence for Robust Analysis of Pathology Images MRC 01 Dec 2021 31 Mar 2024
Developing Predictive Biomarkers for Oesophageal Adenocarcinomas using AI based Profiling of Digital Histology Slides Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, The 01 Apr 2019 30 Jun 2023
PathLEAD: Pathology image data Lake for Education, Analytics, and Discovery Innovate UK 01 Jan 2019 31 Mar 2023
PathLEAD:?Pathology image data Lake for Education, Analytics and Discovery (6 months costed extension to IDEATE 59254) Innovate UK 01 Apr 2022 30 Sep 2022
Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award: Learning Rules and Motifs of Tumour Microenvironments Royal Society 01 Sep 2017 31 Aug 2022
Multi-centred validation of digital whole slide imaging for routine diagnosis. National Institute for Health Research (DoH) 01 Nov 2018 30 Apr 2022
WMHTC Strategic Partnership Agreement West Midlands Health Technologies Cluster Limited 01 Jul 2021 31 Mar 2022
PathLAKE Plus Innovate UK 26 Mar 2021 31 Dec 2021
Validating the PredicTR treatment response classifier for oropharyngeal cancer (PredicTR 2) MRC 01 Mar 2019 30 Nov 2021
MathSys CDT Studentship - Student Jivgenij Gamper Title:tbc PathXL Ltd 01 Oct 2017 30 Sep 2021
Hard-ware level accelerated deep learning for faster recognition of cancer cells in pathology images Alan Turing Institute 01 Oct 2019 31 Dec 2020
To develop algorithms for a Digital Pathology appliance used for pre-diagnostic analytics for computer-assisted grading of lung cancer Alan Turing Institute 01 May 2017 31 Oct 2020
Alan Turing Institute Fellowship 2020 for 1 year Cont Prev Proposal 56473 Alan Turing Institute 01 Oct 2019 30 Sep 2020
Developing Micro-Community Analytics for Histology Landscapes (MiCAHiL) MRC 16 Jan 2017 31 Aug 2020
ATI Turing Fellowship (TF) Alan Turing Institute 01 Oct 2017 30 Sep 2019
Persistent Homology and Machine Learning for Analysis of Colorectal Cancer Histology Images Osaka University 03 Jun 2015 31 Mar 2019
N?ewton-Bhabha Placement Programme 2017-18 for Dr Monjoy Saha: Microscopic Image Analytics for Screening and Prognostic Evaluation of Breast Cancer British Council 15 Feb 2018 14 Mar 2019
Novel Image Analytics for Improved Oral Cancer Stratification Alan Turing Institute 15 Feb 2018 14 Feb 2019
Taiwan Partnering Award for the Analysis of Digitised Images of Immunohistochemically (IHC) Stained Serial Tissue Sections of Mouse Pancreata BBSRC 01 May 2016 30 Apr 2018
Subproject for Institution # 34480 Origin of new beta cells during pregnancy using PCLT and TIS microscopy BBSRC 01 May 2013 31 Oct 2017
Origin of new beta cells during pregnancy using PCLT and TIS microscopy BBSRC 01 May 2013 31 Oct 2017
A Pilot Software System for Computer-Assisted Grading of Breast Cancer University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust 01 May 2015 30 Apr 2017
IHC Stained Slides of Serial Sections (PhD) Omnyx LLC 01 Jan 2013 30 Jun 2016
To create algorithms and test/train to identify the lesions in parsnips caused by pathogens Elsoms Seeds Limited 01 Jul 2014 30 Sep 2014
HDC Studentship: Continued Thermal and Visual Image Analysis for Crop Scanning and Crop Disease Monitoring AHDB (Formerly HDC) 14 Mar 2011 13 Mar 2014
Novel Prognostic Biomarkers for Colorectal Cancer via Computerized Analysis of Highly Multiplexed Protein Fluorescence Image Data Qatar National Research Fund 01 Oct 2012 30 Sep 2013
MIRACLE - Microscopic Image Processing Anaysis, Classification and Modelling Environment EU 01 May 2010 30 Apr 2013
Multichannel Microscopy, Applied to 1) Colon Cancer 2) Beta Cell Regeneration Royal Society 16 Mar 2011 15 Mar 2013
Virtual Eyes: Estimation and coding of dynamic light fields EPSRC 01 Jun 2004 31 May 2007

TIA Centre

Click here for the TIA Centre pages



Click here for my old homepage.


Click here for a full list of publications.

twitter.png@nmrajpoot (paused)


Email: N.M.Rajpoot at

Assistant: Katie.Martin at