Sara Kalvala
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TitleAssociate Professor (Reader) Contact DetailsDepartment of Computer Science University of Warwick, Coventry CV4 7AL Tel: +44 24 7652 3179 |
Research Interests
My research in Computational Biology focuses on:
- Development of simulation techniques to model interaction between micro-organisms, in particular the use of cellular automata and multi-agent modelling;
- Development of logic-based domain-specific languages to model bio-networks, such as metabolic pathways and signalling networks, and synthetic analogues of biosystems.
- Application of compiling techniques in the design of synthetic biology circuits.
I am one of the Co-Investigators in the Warwick Integrative Synthetic Biology Centre (WISB).
I am also a member of SBIDERLink opens in a new window, the Zeeman Institute for Systems Biology & Infectious Disease Epidemiology Research
In the area of Formal Methods, I am particularly interested in:
- Development of verified optimizing compilers; I have been working towards an approach to specifying optimisations based on Temporal Logics, which allows for many interesting optimisations to be written out formally and proved;
- Race conditions and their implications in the correct execution of concurrent programs and distributed applications.
I am a member of the ACM-Women Scholarship committeeLink opens in a new window which provides funding for female students from anywhere in the world to attend CS conferences. Please encourage anyone who could benefit from such an opportunity to apply.
Selected Publications
Eleanor Davies and Sara Kalvala, Postcondition-preserving fusion of postorder tree transformations. CC 2020
Anthony Nash and Sara Kalvala, A P system model of swarming and aggregation in a Myxobacterial colony. J. Membr. Comput. 1(2) (2019)
Faiz Sayyid and Sara Kalvala, On the importance of modelling the internal spatial dynamics of biological cells, in Biosystems (Elsevier), July 2016
Christophe Ladroue and Sara Kalvala, Constraint-based genetic compilation, in Algorithms for Computational Biology (AlCoB) 2015, Springer LNB, 2015
Jane Sinclair, Matthew Butler, Michael Morgan, Sara Kalvala, Measures of student engagement in Computer Science, in Proceedings of the 2015 ACM Conference on Innovation and Technology in Computer Science Education, Pages 242-247, ACM, 2015
Daven Sanassy et al, Modelling and stochastic simulation of synthetic biological boolean gates, in Proceedings of the 2014 IEEE International Conference on High Performance Computing and Communications pp. 404-408, 2014
Savas Konur et al, Modeling and Analysis of Genetic Boolean Gates using Infobiotics Workbench, in Proceedings of Workshop on Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs 2014, Vienna, Austria (CAV 2014), pp. 26-37, 2014.
Antony B. Holmes, Sara Kalvala, David E. Whitworth, Spatial Simulations of Myxobacterial Development. PLoS Computational Biology 6(2), 2010
Sara Kalvala, Applying Annotations in Formal Design and VerificationLink opens in a new window, PhD thesis, 1992
Teaching Portfolio
- CS908: Research Methods (2019-2022)
- CS407: MEng Group ProjectLink opens in a new window
- CS349: Principles of Programming Languages
- CS118: Programming for Computer Scientists (2012, 2018)
- CS352: Project Management for Computer Scientists (2017)
- CS325: Compiler Design (until 2016)
- CS241: Operating Systems (2011-2014)
- CS310: Computer Science Project Coordinator (2015-2016)
- Synthetic Biology Centre for Doctoral Training