Tuva Bardal
About Me
I am a first year PhD student, working on topics in Computational Social Choice under the supervision of Dr. Markus Brill.
Before starting my PhD, I obtained an MSc. in Logic at the University of Amsterdam. Before that, I completed a BSc. in Cognitive Science at the University of Bergen.
Research Interests
My current research is mainly focused on proportional representation in electoral systems, but I am interested in a wide range of topics in Computational Social Choice and Game Theory.
I am or have been a teaching assistant for the following modules:
- CS404 Agent-Based Systems (23/24)
- CS409 Algorithmic Game Theory (23/24)
- Game Theory (MSc. course, University of Amsterdam, 22/23)
- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (BSc. course, University of Bergen, 20/21)
- Formal Methods in Information Science (BSc. course, University of Bergen, 19/20)
- Social Network Theory (BSc. course, University of Bergen, 19/20)

Email: tuva dot bardal at warwick dot ac dot uk
Office: MB4.17, Mathematical Sciences Building, University of Warwick