CellTracker new round of development
Recently the SysmedIDB project (http://www.sysmedibd.eu
) has made funds available to continue with
CellTracker development.
The work will be carried out by Dr Chengjin Du (100%) and Dr Paul Brown
(50%) at Warwick Systems Biology Centre over the next six months.
Our main objectives which will be detailed further below are: code
maintenance, user interface development, and involving users more closely in
the development process.
We hope to make significant improvements during that time but cannot
stress enough that we rely on you as users to make this a success.
Therefore, please forward this e-mail to any other CellTracker users you
know as we have only e-mail addresses of people who registered when
downloading the software themselves.
To kick-off the new round of development we plan a user meeting in the
last two weeks of October. A doodle poll has been initiated where you can
indicate your interest and availability. Please go to (
http://doodle.com/et3rm5pcd9sy477z ).
Depending on your feedback this meeting might be held in Warwick or
Manchester, but we plan to travel to Manchester regularly anyhow, since
there are the currently most active CellTracker users.
We have created a user forum (
) for
announcements and user feedback. Again, the success of the current project
will entirely depend on how active users are in participating in the
discussions about future developments. In particular we would like to hear
what CellTracker features you are actually using and what type of
experiments you analyse.
What has happened so far:
CellTracker sources were transferred to a SVN repository to allow
collaborative code development.
We have gone through feedback from different users which was previously
collated by Dave Spiller in Manchester. We are currently in the process of
prioritising the individual items and dividing them up into user interface
related and algorithm related problems. This will be put up on the User
Forum pages for discussion.
Planned work includes:
Establishment of a fixed release cycle using consistent numbering scheme
derived from SVN.
Bundle Matlab runtime environment with CellTracker installation package.
Offer installation packages for different platforms (Windows, Mac OS, Linux)
Offer access to virtual machines running CellTracker on our server
Create a library of different datasets including tracked data for
validating and benchmarking new routines
Allow users to load different set of default parameters for different types
of experiments.
Consider different ways to export the data to Excel.
At the user meeting and in the user online forum we will extend and
prioritise this list.
Please feel free to reply by e-mail, but I would much rather prefer if you
made use of the online forum so that we can exchange ideas with everyone.
Best wishes,
Dr. Till Bretschneider
Reader in Systems Biology
Warwick Systems Biology Centre
Senate House
University of Warwick
Coventry CV4 7AL
United Kingdom
room: #344
Tel: +44 (0) 24 76 1 50252
E-mail: T.Bretschneider@warwick.ac.uk
URL: http://go.warwick.ac.uk/bretschneider
send large files: https://files.warwick.ac.uk/tbretschneider/sendto
CellTracker User Forum
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