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EPSRC Symposium Workshop on spatio-temporal dynamics challenges from fluorescence data, University of Warwick, July 13th - 16th, 2010

Single cell monitoring techniques using fluorescent probes have revealed a significant spatial-temporal complexity underpinning even some of the simplest of cellular functions. Image aquisition and analysis pose a number of challenging problems at the interface of biology, physics and mathematics. Workshop topics include FRAP, PALM, single molecule analysis of transcription, speckle microscopy, high throughput cell screening and statistical analysis, light sheet microscopy, state of the art image analysis and in vivo imaging. FLUO2010 is part of the 2009/2010 EPSRC Symposium on the Mathematics of Complexity Science and Systems Biology at the University of Warwick.

Nigel Burroughs, Till Bretschneider (Warwick Systems Biology Centre) and Kurt Anderson (Beatson Institute of Cancer Research, Glasgow)

The main workshop is linked with a couple of other imaging related events (please click on titles for further details and registration for the non-regular events):


Registration to July 13th to 16th workshop is now closed

Please email Till Bretschneider for any further inquiries regarding registration (T dot Bretschneider at warwick dot ac dot uk).

Download workshop poster

FLUO2010 Poster (PNG format) 

Abstract submission

Thanks to all who have submitted abstracts. We have selected three abstracts for short oral presentations (30min plus 15 min discussion). The poster session has been cancelled.

Confirmed speakers

Dan Axelrod, University of Michigan
Paul Barber, University of Oxford
Gaudenz Danuser, Harvard Medical School
Xavier Darzacq, IBENS, Paris
Christian Eggeling, MPI Gottingen
Vladimir Ermolayev, Helmholtz Zentrum München
Zvi Kam, Weizmann Institute of Science
Justin Molloy, NIMR
Robert Murphy, Carnegie Mellon University
George Patterson, NIH Bethesda
Karsten Rippe, DKFZ, Heidelberg
Gerhard Schuetz, Biophysics Institute, Linz
Sandy Simon, Rockefeller
Ernst Stelzer, EMBL Heidelberg
Michael Unser, EPFL

Workshop programme

The updated programme can be downloaded here (as of July 12th).

Abstracts are here.


Travel directions

How to get to Warwick University, nearest airports etc. (link).

How to get to the Mathematics institute (link).

Campus maps (link)