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Stochasticity and organisation in microbes: challenges from imaging

July 7th, Warwick Systems Biology Centre
Organised by Nigel Burroughs and Conrad Mullineaux (QM).

This 1 day workshop will focus on the relatively new field of substructure and dynamics in microbes, recently accessible through modern high resolution imaging techniques. Over the past decade it has become apparent that bacterial cells are highly organised, with both spatial (eg polar) and temporal organisation. The mechanisms of that organisation are beginning to be elucidated, with for instance the discovery of cytoskeletal type (polymerising) proteins, whilst other organisms are also revealing complex substructure.

This workshop is part of a series of Challenges in Imaging workshops, FLUO, within the EPSRC funded symposium year on Complexity and Systems Biology.


Provisional programme: 

10.00 Coffee

11.00-12.00 Marek Cyrklaff (Heidelberg)- Cryo-electron tomography of whole cells

12.00-1.00 Judy Armitage (Oxford) - Bacterial swimming behaviour and insights into protein dynamics

1.00-2.00 Lunch

2.00-3.00 Kenn Gerdes (Newcastle) - Dynamic cytoskeletal proteins, ParM & ParA, segregate DNA by different mechanisms

3.00-4.00 Peter Graumann (Freiberg)- Intinsic mechanical properties of bacterial cytoskeletal elements

4.00-4.30 Tea and cake

Snippets in emerging areas

4.30-5.00 Martin Buck (Imperial) - Imaging extra-cytoplasmic stress-the Phage Shock Protein (psp) response of E.coli

5.00-5.30 Dan Mulvihill (Kent) - Probing the interior of the dynamic microbe

5.30 Discussion over wine.


7.00 Dinner in local restaurant.

 The workshop will take place in Warwick Systems Biology Centre, Coventry House, University of Warwick in the MOAC seminar room.


Download Abstracts(Word Document)

There is no formal registration, but please email Anne Maynard if you would like to attend.
Numbers will be restricted to 25 so please notify Anne of your wish to attend as soon as possible. Lunch will be provided.