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Download QuimP

Dear QuimP user
Thank you for downloading our software. Before you start using QuimP we kindly ask you to register, which will take less than a minute.
You will obtain a key by e-mail that is linked to the e-mail address you provide. You can use your personal key on different QuimP installations.
QuimP is free for academic, non-commercial use according to the License Agreement found here:

QuimP can be obtained in two ways:

  • Add the QuimP update site to Fiji, which is the recommended way of keeping QuimP up to date. The Installation procedure is described on our wiki pages. (Recommended)
  • Download QuimP manually (discouraged). See wiki pages.

After installation you will be asked to register QuimP on first time use.

Supplementary Matlab routines (previously distributed with QuimP11) can be downloaded from here.

Why do I need to register
QuimP has been developed as scientific software since 2002. Since 2015 BBSRC are funding QuimP development with the goal of making it available as a community resource. We would also like to acknowledge support from the Software Sustainability Institute who are helping to build a resource that will be sustainable in future. Registration is needed to demonstrate the actual demand for QuimP, and is therefore essential to secure continued funding.
We most welcome any feedback which will help us to make QuimP better!

If you publish work where data has been generated using QuimP please include the following statement:
"QuimP [1] used in this study was developed at the University of Warwick with support from BBSRC (BBR grant BB/M01150X/1)".

[1] Piotr Baniukiewicz, Sharon Collier, Till Bretschneider, QuimP: analyzing transmembrane signalling in highly deformable cells. Bioinformatics, Volume 34, Issue 15, 1 August 2018, Pages 2695-2697, doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/bty169.