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Toby Flynn

About Me

I am a PhD student supervised by Dr Gihan Mudalige (University of Warwick) and Dr Robert Manson-Sawko (IBM Research). My PhD is an iCASE studentship funded by the UK EPSRC and IBM Research UK. Before starting a PhD with the High Performance and Scientific Computing Group at Warwick, I graduated with a First-Class BSc in Computer Science at the University of Warwick, receiving an award for best overall graduating BSc student in Computer Science.


My research is focused on developing high-order computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods for multiphase flows, flows consisting of two or more fluids in different phases, that are suitable for high performance computing (HPC). Currently I am looking at discontinuous Galerkin methods to provide the high-order discretisation and the level-set method to represent the interface between the fluids. A key aim of this research is to produce a performance portable library that can support the development of multiphase CFD codes on a wide range of HPC resources.


  • T.S. Flynn, R. Manson-Sawko, G.R. Mudalige (2024). Performance-Portable Multiphase Flow Solutions with Discontinuous Galerkin Methods, in 38th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium (IPDPS 2024), San Francisco, CA USA. [Best Paper Award] (Paper)
  • G.D. Balogh, T.S. Flynn, S. Laizet, G.R. Mudalige, I.Z. Reguly (2022). Scalable Many-core Algorithms for Tridiagonal Solvers, Computing in Science and Engineering. DOI: 10.1109/MCSE.2021.3130544 (Preprint PDF)


Software that I have developed or contributed to during my research:

  • Multiphase Incompressible CFD Solver - A performance portable CFD solver for multiphase (or single phase) flows on unstructured triangular or tetrahedral meshes.
  • OP2-DG Toolkit - A library built on OP2 that provides useful building blocks to applications using a discontinuous Galerkin discretisation.
  • Tridsolver - A HPC library for solving batches of tridiagonal matrices on CPU and GPU clusters.
  • OPS - A domain specific language that provides performance portability for structured mesh applications.
  • OP2 - A domain specific language that provides performance portability for unstructured mesh applications.


As a senior graduate teaching assistant, I have been involved with the delivery of the following modules:

Photograph of Toby Flynn


Room: MB 4.17

