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Zhihao Dai

About Me

I am a third-year PhD student in the Department of Computer Science. I am co-supervised by Reader Ligang He at the University of WarwickLink opens in a new window, Professor Matthew Leeke at the University of BirminghamLink opens in a new window, and Professor Shuang-Hua Yang at the University of ReadingLink opens in a new window.

I obtained my Master of Science degree in Advanced Computer Science in 2020 from Loughborough University, UK, with the highest degree mark in the class. Before that, I obtained my Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science and Technology in 2019 from the Southern University of Science and Technology, China.


My research aims to explore how industrial processes and associated instrumentation systems can be best presented in a theoretical mathematical format and then based on the achieved mathematical model to establish a benchmark for other researchers in the communities to improve the productivity, energy efficiency, and safety of the industrial processes.


For 2023/2024:

For 2022/2023:

For 2021/2022:



Portrait of Zhihao Dai

Zhihao Dai



Mathematical Sciences Building

University of Warwick