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Applied Computing News

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Samuel Ward Receives a Silver Award at the WCIT Charity University IT Awards 2021

Congratulations to Samuel Ward, one of our third year Discrete Mathematics students, who has received a silver award as part of the Worshipful Company of Information Technologists’ (WCIT) Charity University IT Awards 2021. The awards, which were first held in 2015, seek to recognize outstanding undergraduate and postgraduate IT students within the UK. Applicants are judged based on their academic excellence, ability to overcome adversity, entrepreneurial skills, and contribution to charity or community.

Wed 24 Feb 2021, 10:11 | Tags: People Undergraduate

Suzanne Candanedo wins UKESF and UltraSoC Automotive Electronics Competition 2020

Suzanne Candanedo, who recently graduated from Computer Systems Engineering at the University of Warwick, has won the UKESF and UltraSoC Automotive Electronics Competition 2020.

The competition requires entrants to produce a 'think piece' about the future of cyber security for connected and autonomous vehicles, written along the lines of a blog post in style rather than a formal essay. You can read Suzy's winning entry here.

Fri 16 Oct 2020, 12:50 | Tags: Undergraduate Data Science Systems and Security

Wearable IoT Electronic Nose for Urinary Incontinence Detection

Work performed by Computer Systems Engineering student Michael Shanta for his 3rd year project, supervised by Dr. Marina Cole and Dr. Siavash Esfahani in the School of Engineering, was written up in a paper that was recently accepted for presentation at the IEEE Sensors 2020 Conference.

For his 3rd year project Michael worked on developing machine learning techniques for an Electronic Nose in order to classify odours based on the sensor responses. The system aims to detect incontinence incidents, allowing alerts to be sent to relevant personnel from an IoT network via a cloud server.

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