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Many congratulations to our new graduates!

DCS with fountainsCongratulations to our 3rd and 4th year students, who are receiving their results today!

Here is a video for the occasion from the head of department.

Well done, all the best for your careers, and let us stay in touch!

Wed 22 Jul 2020, 10:58 | Tags: Undergraduate

WATE PGR commendation for Alexander Noll

Alexander NollWe are very happy to report that Alexander Noll, PhD student at the department’s Institute for the Science of Cities, has been rewarded with the 2019/2020 Warwick Award for Teaching Excellence for Postgraduates who Teach. As a commendee, the recognition of his teaching comes in addition to a £200 teaching endowment. Alexander, who comes from an interdisciplinary academic background and has been teaching on several undergraduate modules of our department as well as the Department of Sociology, commented:

The thought that I was able to contribute positively to somebody’s learning and their time at Warwick in general sparks great joy. It is a great honour to be recognised for my tiny contribution to a community of teachers who work hard on creating a positive learning environment.

WATE seek to recognise outstanding teaching and support of learning across the University. Since 2003, the Awards have helped showcase innovation and commitment from across Warwick's teaching community. Nominations can be made by both students and staff and a panel of judges then creates a shortlist of up to ten nominees. Based on additional personal statements, 10 winners are selected from the shortlist, split into five awards and five commendations.

Department hosts JP Morgan Technology Showcase, Bank of America Coursework Sponsorship and Citrix Security Workshop

The last week has seen a number of industrial engagements throughout the department.

On Tuesday, October 15th, Bank of America came in to announce their sponsorship of both CS118 Programming for Computer Scientists module and CS241 Operating Systems and Networks. Representatives from Bank of America were here all afternoon, including University of Warwick alumni, to tell our students what a career in finance technology is like, and how to shape their CVs for internships and graduate positions.

The day after, Citrix arrived to help some keen students develop a security based mindset. The students were split into groups of defenders and attackers, and had to out-think each other in order to either secure or steal valuable resources.

Then, on Friday, JP Morgan took over the atrium with their Technology Showcase. They spent the day demonstrating all the ways in which they use technology and even research new ideas, and not always in relation to finance. They also discussed with our students how their experiences and skills translate to a career in JP Morgan.

If you missed any of these events, there's still plenty of chances to get involved. We have a number of events coming up, so please keep an eye on the DCS calendar!

Fri 18 Oct 2019, 16:34 | Tags: Undergraduate Highlight

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