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Class of 2014: Graduation


Congratulations to all our graduands receiving their degrees today!

Artur and graduates Julian and family graduates Graduates   Julian and Jane Graduates 

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2014 student awards

Today's Honorary Graduands

Fri 18 Jul 2014, 19:10 | Tags: People Undergraduate

DCS teaching staff commended in the WATE & WATEPGR awards

Matt Leeke and Robert Bird

We congratuate Dr Matt Leeke, who was commended for his teaching in the Warwick Awards for Teaching Excellence this year. Matt is a module organiser for CS132 Computer Organisation and Architecture, CS240 Software Engineering Principles, and CS257 Advanced Computer Architecture.

We also congratulate Robert Bird who was commended in the WATEPGR awards. Robert has taught on more than 10 modules in his time at the university, including being invited to teach outside of his department. He is known for his ability to build strong relationships with students to encourage them in their learning.

This year's awards have been one of the most successful ever. Record numbers of nominations were received from staff, students and alumni, which resulted in over 70 individuals being nominated for the hard work they put into their teaching.

Full list of WATE 2014 winners

Full list of WATEPGR 2014 winners

Tue 15 Jul 2014, 16:41 | Tags: People Undergraduate

Bank of America Merrill Lynch 1st Year Maze Coursework Winners

Marcin Pucilowski

Friday 6th December 2013 saw the judging and awarding of prizes for the best solutions to this year's 1st year Programming for Computer Scientists module coursework. David Deacon from Bank of America Merrill Lynch was on hand in the afternoon to award the prizes at the celebration party.

There were some outstanding solutions to the 'Robot' Maze problem this year, which involves finding the optimal path through sets of random mazes, some containing loops. As well as solving the problem at hand, some of the candidates ingeniously subverted the Java framework and produced simple games for the users to play!

This year's overall winner was Marcin Pucilowski who used an A* search for the target with a colour overlay to represent the depth of each node in the graph. Well done to Marcin! Second and third placed were Radu Blana and David Richardson. Radu too made an A* search and a snake game if you "get bored" of running on the same maze. David made 2 additional games, a block defender game and a cellular automaton that worked inside the maze. Highly commended were Rayhaan Jaufeerally, Rhiannon Michelmore and Oliver Hamelkijnck. Rayhaan made a multiplayer networked race to the target. Rhiannon also made a snake game which was great fun to play! Oliver made a Dijkstra-based search for the target. The top three winners received Amazon book tokens and all have been invited to the BAML Insight Week events to be run in spring and autumn next year.

Thank you to David Deacon and BAML for sponsoring the event this year and also to all of the Post Graduate markers involved in the one-to-one marking and feedback sessions.

Fri 13 Dec 2013, 18:03 | Tags: People Undergraduate

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