IAS and FP7 DIVeFor Joint Workshop on Digital Forensic Technologies
On: Monday, 6th June, 2011
Venue: Wolfson Research Exchange, 3rd Floor, Library Building,
University of Warwick
10:00 Welcome and Coffee
10:30 – 11:30 Session 1: The Practitioner View
Title: Enhanced Previewing of Computer Systems
Speaker: Adrian Shaw. Hi-Tech Crime Unit, Warwickshire Police
Title: Targeting the Crime Group MS13
Speaker: Bren Jose, West Midlands Police
11:30 – 13:00 Session 2: Digital Forensics Readiness
Title: The legal and ethical context of digital forensics
Speaker: Silvia Venier, Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship, Rome
Title: Tracking the provenance of data across connected systems
Speaker: Simon Miles, KCL
Title: Defraser - an open source approach to video file analysis and restoration
Speaker: Zeno Geradts, Netherlands Forensic Institute of the Ministry of Justice
13:00 – 14:00 Lunch
14:00 – 15:00 Session 3: DCS Showcase
Title: Image and device forensics using enhanced sensor pattern noise
Speaker: Chang-Tsun Li
Title: Image Biometrics in Crime Detection
Speaker: Abhir Bhalerao
Title: Queries for Forensics
Speaker: Arshad Jhumka
Title: A Quantum Leap in Security?
Speaker: Rajagopal Nagarajan
Title: Towards the Ordering of Events from Multiple Textual Evidence Sources
Speaker: Sarabjot Singh Anand
Title: Exploring the emergence of traits and behaviours in dynamic populations
Speaker: Nathan Griffiths
15:00 – 15:30 Discussion and Roundup