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Making Construals: an Open Online Course

The CONSTRUIT! project promotes making construals as a new digital skill for creating interactive open educational resources (OERs). One of its principal objectives is the development of an open online course about making construals.

The context for the course is to be more fully explored in the forthcoming CONSTRUIT 2017 conference. The rationale for studying construals is that it can be seen (indeed, construed!) as bringing a new vision, and a new technology, to a well-established pedagogical tradition: that of learning through making things-to-think-with. As set out in the agenda for CONSTRUIT 2017, three themes will inform the course:

  • Principles and practices for making things-to-think-with
  • Open educational resources (OERs) based on things-to-think-with
  • Learning-through-making in the broader educational context

The aspiration for the course is to show that making construals is potentially a foundational framework within which to address the above themes in their full generality. The aim is to establish proof-of-concept for the thesis that learning-through-making in all its different manifestations can benefit from the conceptual and practical framework that has been developed in the course of the CONSTRUIT! project. This broad ambition is reflected in the following list of topics that will feature in the course material:

  1. About construals / objects / things-to-think-with
  2. Environments that support making
  3. Programming / computational thinking: JUGS, Logo room vs Donald room
  4. Primary school education: shopping / giving change
  5. Secondary school education: lift / solar system
  6. Computing education (CAS)
  7. Maths education
  8. Educational robotics / IoT
  9. Subject areas: engineering, computing, physics, astronomy [Hamish Todd]
  10. Applications: mechanism, music, mechanics, geometric modelling, GIS, ...
  11. Management: spreadsheets, construal of CONSTRUIT!
  12. Pedagogy: experiential learning, inquiry-based learning, conceptual modelling
  13. Educational context for construction: cf. Papert on education system: modelling in the school curriculum
  14. The distinctive qualities of construals [accessibility? comprehensibility? collaboration? assessment? blending/integration/topicality in re modern tech]

Link these topics to a brief description and attach online examplars by way of practical construals in the MCE.

The full realisation of such a course is of course far beyond the scope of what can be achieved in the short-term and without the support of the broader community. To this end, we invite anyone interested in the learning-through-making agenda to engage with the embryonic resources we have developed and give us their feedback by way of review and critique. This can be done by joining the CONSTRUIT 2017 Community [link].