!donaldWard2003 | !donald | Ashley Ward | 11-Dec-2003 | software | PhD |
3doxoRoe2001 | 3D OXO | Chris Roe | Jun-2001 | model | PhD |
agentparserBrown2001 | Agent-based parsing system in Eden | Chris Brown | May-2001 | 3YP | |
agentparserHarfield2003 | Agent-oriented Parser | Antony Harfield | May-2003 | model, component | 3YP |
antnavigationKeer2005 | Modelling Navigation and Landmarking in Ants | Daniel Keer | 1-Apr-2005 | model | 3YP |
antnavigationKeer2010 | Modelling Navigation and Landmarking in Ants | Daniel Keer | 8-Jul-2010 | model | 3YP |
arcaBird1991 | Arca translator | Stuart Bird | May-1991 | software | 3YP |
arcaWard2002 | Arca translator | Ashley Ward | 19-Aug-2002 | software | PhD |
asylumCunningham2004 | The Asylum | David Cunningham | Apr-2004 | software | 3YP |
attributeexplorerRoe2000 | Attribute Explorer (General Version) | Chris Roe | Feb-2000 | model | PhD |
attributeexplorernnRoe2000 | Attribute Explorer (With Non-numeric types) | Chris Roe | Feb-2000 | model | PhD |
backroomWard2002 | Back room planning | Ashley Ward | 21-Jan-2002 | model | PhD |
beamdetectorRoe2004 | Beam Detector | Chris Roe | Feb-2004 | model | PhD |
beetlesLam1993 | Beetles | Nam Sang Benny Lam | Sep-1993 | model | 3YP |
billiardsCarter1999 | Billiards with 3d visualisation | Ben Carter | May-1999 | model | 3YP |
billiardsMoissenkov1999 | Billiards (Layered) | Alexei Moissenkov | Aug-1999 | model | Summer |
billiardsYung1996 | Billiards | Simon Yung | Jun-1996 | model | |
blankpresentationWard2002 | Blank Presentation | Ashley Ward | 21-Aug-2002 | model, presentation | PhD |
bolzanoBeynon1994 | Bolzano Curve | Meurig Beynon | May-1994 | model | |
bubblesortBeynon1998 | Bubblesort | Meurig Beynon | Feb-1998 | model | Acad |
cabinetdigitBeynon1990 | Cabinet digit visual pun | Meurig Beynon | Apr-1990 | model | Acad |
cabinetdigitpresBeynon2007 | cabinetdigitpresBeynon2007 | Meurig Beynon | Apr-2007 | presentation | Acad |
carhistoryWood1995 | Car History | James Wood | May-1995 | model | 3YP |
carouselFrancis2000 | Carousel definition files for digital TV | Rhys Francis | Sep-2000 | model | Summer |
carparkingsimMcHale2003 | Car Parking Simulator | Jon McHale | May-2003 | model, software, tool development | 3YP |
catflapWard1997 | Cat Flap | Ashley Ward | Dec-1997 | model | MScM |
catflapYung1994 | Cat flap LSD and ADM specs | Simon Yung | 1994 | PhD | |
claytontunnelChan2005 | ClaytonTunnel Java Frontend | Eric Chan | 5-May-2005 | model, software | PhD |
claytontunnelChanHarfield2005 | ClaytonTunnel Model | Eric Chan | 4-Aug-2005 | model, software | PhD |
claytontunnelSun1999 | Clayton Tunnel Railway Accident Simulation | Patrick Sun | Jul-1999 | PhD | |
claytontunnelWoodforth2000 | Clayton Tunnel - 3D VRML views | Jonathan Woodforth | May-2000 | 3YP | |
clockBeynon2001 | Clock | Meurig Beynon | 2001 | model | Acad |
cogRoe1999 | Coordinate Geometry (COG) | Chris Roe | 1-Sep-1999 | model | MScD |
complexGardner1999 | Complex numbers | Simon Gardner | Aug-1999 | model | Summer |
conformalNovak1999 | Conformal Mapping | Ana Novak | Aug-1999 | model | Summer |
connect4Roe2003 | Connect 4 | Chris Roe | 2-Sep-2003 | model | PhD |
conveyancingForster2002 | Modelling of Legal Processes | Henry Forster | 1-May-2002 | model | 3YP |
cricketscoringPether2006 | Cricket scoring via PDA-style interface | Chris Pether | 2006 | model, cricket | 3YP |
cricsimPownall1993 | Prototype ADM cricket simulation | Nick Pownall | May-1993 | model | MScD |
cruisechTran1995 | Extending the cruise control model | C.B.Tran | May-1995 | model | 3YP |
cruisecontrolBridge1991 | Cruise Control | Ian Bridge | 1991 | model | |
cruisecontrolPavelin2002 | Cruise control interface improvements | Joanna Pavelin | May-2002 | model | 3YP |
cubesymWong2001 | Animating symmetries of a cube | Allan Wong | Jan-2001 | model | PhD |
definitivedmWard2001 | Definitive Definition Maintainer | Ashley Ward | 4-Apr-2001 | model | PhD |
denotaMeziani1987 | Denota | Samia Meziani | Dec-1987 | software | MScR |
digitalwatchCartwright1995 | Digital Watch and Chess Clocks | Richard Cartwright | 1995 | model | PhD |
digitalwatchFischer1999 | Digital Watch | Carlos Fischer | Aug-1999 | model | |
digitalwatchRoe2001 | Digital Watch | Chris Roe | Jan-2001 | model | PhD |
dishwasherWong2002 | Dishwasher | Allan Wong | 3-Sep-2002 | model | PhD |
dmtHarfield2006 | Dependency Viewer | Antony Harfield | 2006 | model, component | PhD |
dmtWong2003 | The Dependency Modelling Tool (DMT) | Allan Wong | Jan-2003 | model, software | PhD |
draughtsRawles1997 | Draughts | Simon Rawles | Apr-1997 | model | 3YP |
drawScoutAdaptationsKing2004 | drawScout adaptations | Karl King | May-2004 | tool | 3YP |
drawScoutKing2004 | drawScout | Karl King | May-2004 | tool | 3YP |
drawSlideKing2004 | drawSlide | Karl King | 2005 | tool | MScR |
eddipTruong1996 | EDDIP | S.V.Truong | May-1996 | software | 3YP |
eddipWard2000 | EDDIP | Ashley Ward | Nov-2000 | software | PhD |
eddirTruong1996 | EDDIR | S.V.Truong | May-1996 | software | 3YP |
edenSlideKing2004 | edenSlide | Karl King | 2005 | tool | |
emeWong2001 | Empirical Modelling Environment | Allan Wong | Jan-2001 | software | PhD |
emfcsBeynon1997 | EM for Concurrent Systems | Meurig Beynon | 1997 | presentation, website | |
emhttpdWard1999 | EMHTTPD | Ashley Ward | Sep-1999 | model, software | PhD |
empeHarfield2007 | Presentation Environment | Antony Harfield | 8-Nov-2007 | model, presentation | PhD |
fdl3Hussain2001 | Monotone boolean functions (3 variables) | Bibi Hussain | Apr-2001 | model | 3YP |
fdl4Beynon2002 | Monotone boolean functions in 4 variables | Meurig Beynon | 19-Aug-2002 | model | Acad |
footballTurner2000 | Five a side Football | Neil Turner | May-2000 | 3YP | |
fractionsCronick2003 | Fractional Relationship and Equivalence helper | Alison Cronick | May-2003 | model | 3YP |
gameLui1997 | Generic Application Modelling in Eden (GAME) | Yvonne Lui | 1997 | model | 3YP |
gcdBeynon2002 | Greatest Common Divisor in a spreadsheet | Meurig Beynon | 17-Jul-2002 | model | Acad |
gelHarfield2006 | The %angel notation | Antony Harfield | 27-Oct-2006 | notation | PhD |
gelgraphHarfield2008 | GEL Graph Extension | Antony Harfield | 3-Mar-2008 | component | |
graphEfstathiou2006 | C-Graph notation | George Efstathiou | Jun-2006 | software, Definitive Notation | |
graphicspresHarfield2007 | Graphics Presentation using 3D Room | Antony Harfield | 1-Mar-2007 | model, presentation | PhD |
gridSaddique2006 | Grid Performance with tkeden | Kamran Saddique | Mar-2006 | model, paper, software, presentation | 4YM |
heapsortBeynon1998 | Heapsort | Meurig Beynon | May-1998 | model | Acad |
heapsortBeynon2008 | Heapsort | Meurig Beynon | May-2008 | model | Acad |
heapsortextendRun-bol2001 | Heapsort Extensions | Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol | Jan-2001 | model | PhD |
introtodeppresentRoe2002 | A presentation that introduces dependency | Chris Roe | 17-Jul-2002 | model, presentation | PhD |
introtoempresentWard2002 | An introduction to EM presentation | Ashley Ward | 23-Apr-2002 | model, presentation | PhD |
jam2Cartwright2001 | JaM 2 | Richard Cartwright | 2001 | software | PhD |
javaadmHeron2002 | JaM2 ADM | Timothy Heron | Aug-2002 | software | MScR |
javadraughtsHeron2002 | Java Draughts | Timothy Heron | May-2002 | model, software | MScR |
javavccsHeron2002 | Java Cruise Control | Timothy Heron | Aug-2002 | model, software | MScR |
jedenGehring1999 | jeden | Dominic Gehring | Mar-1999 | software | PhD |
jigsawButcher2003 | A Jigsaw Puzzle Assembly Environment | James Butcher | May-2003 | model | 3YP |
jpworldDupont2002 | JPWorld | Jean-Pierre Dupont | May-2002 | software | 3YP |
jugsBeynon1988 | Jugs | Meurig Beynon | 1988 | model | acad |
jugsBeynon2008 | Revised JUGS model | Meurig Beynon | Jan-2008 | model | Acad |
jugsPavelin2002 | Interface improvements for Jugs | Joanna Pavelin | May-2002 | model | 3YP |
jugsextensionsRun-bol2002 | Jugs extensions | Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol | Mar-2002 | model | PhD |
jugspresentationKing2005 | Jugs Presentation | Karl King | May-2005 | model, presentation | MScR |
kaleidoscopeBeynon2005 | Kaleidoscope Showcase - The RADICAL Project | Meurig Beynon | 6-Jul-2005 | model, presentation, poster | |
krustyRoe2002 | KRUSTY the Clown | Chris Roe | 4-Mar-2002 | PhD | |
liftBeynon2003 | Lift model of Netherlands scenario | Meurig Beynon | 2-Oct-2003 | model | Acad |
liftHarfield2005 | Lift model | Antony Harfield | 10-Oct-2005 | model | PhD |
linesBeynon1991 | Lines | Meurig Beynon | 1991 | model | Acad |
logoEdwards2000 | LOGO | Gavin Edwards | May-2000 | model | 3YP |
logoparserRoe2002 | Logo Parser | Chris Roe | 20-Feb-2002 | PhD | |
lsmpresentationWard2001 | LSM Presentation: EM for graphics with tkeden | Ashley Ward | 4-Jul-2001 | model, presentation | PhD |
mbf4Beynon2003 | Monotone Boolean Functions in 4 variables | Meurig Beynon | Jun-2003 | model | Acad |
mdsPackwood1991 | Systolic array for multiplication | Roger Packwood | Oct-1991 | model | |
minesweeperDilkes1999 | Minesweeper | James Dilkes | May-1999 | model | 3YP |
modelrailwayRose2004 | Railway2 (hardware extended) | Christopher Rose | Mar-2004 | model, hardware | |
musicWai2000 | Music program | David Wai | May-2000 | model | 3YP |
musicscoreexptWard1999 | Music Score experimentation | Ashley Ward | Nov-1999 | component | PhD |
nebulaHeron2002 | Nebula | Timothy Heron | Aug-2002 | model, software, presentation | MScR |
numbersRun-bol2002 | Numbers model | Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol | Feb-2002 | model | PhD |
oasysprivilegesWard2000 | OASYS Privileges | Ashley Ward | 24-Jan-2000 | model | PhD |
othelloYap2003 | Othello | Wern Kai Yap | May-2003 | model | 3YP |
oxoGardner1999 | OXO | Simon Gardner | Aug-1999 | model | Summer |
oxoJoy1994 | OXO | Mike Joy | Jan-1994 | model | Acad |
pjawnsMartin2003 | Pjawns | John Martin | 15-Jan-2003 | model | 4YM |
planarcomputeRun-bol2001 | Planar Computability of Monotone Boolean Functions | Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol | May-2001 | model | PhD |
planimeterCare2004 | Planimeter Models | Charles Care | Apr-2004 | model | 3YP |
planimeterCare2005 | Planimeter Models | Charles Care | Feb-2005 | model | PhD |
platonicsolidsBirch2001 | Platonic Solids | Helen Birch | May-2001 | model | 3YP |
projecttimetableBeynon1996 | Third year project oral timetabling | Meurig Beynon | Jun-1996 | model | Acad |
projecttimetableKeen2000 | Third year project oral timetabling | Chris Keen | 2000 | model | 3YP |
projecttimetableKing2004 | Timetabling | Karl King | 2004 | model | 3YP |
pyraminxRoe2001 | Pyraminx | Chris Roe | Aug-2001 | model | PhD |
racingGardner1999 | Racing Cars | Simon Gardner | Aug-1999 | model | Summer |
railwayBeynon2006 | |||||
railwayYung1995 | Train and Railway | Simon Yung | 1995 | model | Acad |
ratRoe2003 | Relational Algebra Tutor | Chris Roe | 4-Sep-2003 | model | PhD |
restaurantHutchings2005 | Restaurant Simulation | Benjamin Hutchings | 1-Apr-2005 | model | 3YP |
restaurantRoe2000 | Restaurant Simulation | Chris Roe | Feb-2000 | model | PhD |
roadsysGardner1999 | Road Systems | Simon Gardner | Aug-1999 | model | Summer |
roadtrafficStein2005 | Road Traffic | Jeremy Stein | Jun-2005 | model | 3YP |
room3dMacDonald1998 | Room Viewer 3D | Andy MacDonald | 1998 | model | 3YP |
room3dsasamiCarter1999 | Sasami 3D room visualisation | Ben Carter | May-1999 | model | 3YP |
roomYung1989 | Room | Edward Yung | 1989 | model | MScR |
roomviewerYung1989 | Room viewer | Edward Yung | 1989 | oldref | |
roomviewerYung1991 | Room viewer | Simon Yung | 1991 | model | PhD |
rseRoe2003 | Robotic Simulation Environment | Chris Roe | Jul-2003 | model | PhD |
rubiksCarter1999 | Rubiks Cube | Ben Carter | May-1999 | model | 3YP |
sandHarfield2003 | Systolic Arrays (Sand) | Antony Harfield | May-2003 | model | |
sandSockett1992 | Sand | Patrick Sockett | 1992 | model | 3YP |
sasamiexamplesCarter1999 | Sasami examples | Ben Carter | May-1999 | 3YP | |
sasamiprimitivesKnight2007 | Sasami Primitives Examples | Andy Knight | 28-Jan-2007 | model | 4YM |
scicsYung1995 | SCICS | Simon Yung | Feb-1995 | software | |
scoutexamplesWong2000 | Scout Examples | Allan Wong | Sep-2000 | component | PhD |
semcricMahmood2002 | SemCric | Nassar Mahmood | May-2002 | model | 3YP |
sisyphusNess1996 | Sisyphus | Paul Ness | 1996 | model | |
spreaddemoMaad1996 | Simple spreadsheet demo | Soha Maad | Oct-1996 | ||
spreadsheetRoe2002 | A generalised spreadsheet | Chris Roe | May-2002 | model | PhD |
sqleddiBeynon2001 | The SQLEDDI environment | Meurig Beynon | Nov-2001 | Acad | |
sqleddiBeynon2002 | The SQLEDDI environment | Meurig Beynon | Oct-2002 | Acad | |
sqleddiWard2003 | The SQLEDDI environment | Ashley Ward | Jul-2003 | model, presentation | PhD |
sqleddiextensionsSvensson2003 | Extensions to SQLEDDI | Conor Svensson | May-2003 | model | 3YP |
subethaesynGorochowski2003 | SubEthaEdit syntax highlighting | Thomas Gorochowski | 15-Dec-2003 | software | 4YM |
sudokuACE-old | |||||
sudokuEfstathiou2006 | Extended Sudoku model | George Efstathiou | Jun-2006 | model | |
sudokuKing2006 | Sudoku | Karl King | 2006 | model | MScR |
sudokuaceBeynon2008 | The Sudoku ACE activity | Meurig Beynon | Jan-2008 | model | |
sudokucolourHarfield2007 | Sudoku Colour | Antony Harfield | 2-May-2007 | model | PhD |
sudokuexperienceBeynon2009 | The Sudoku Experience workshops | Meurig Beynon | Jul-2008 | model | |
texteditorYung1987 | Unconventional Text Editor | Edward Yung | Apr-1987 | model | 3YP |
textpadsynMeerman2003 | EDDI Textpad config | Robert Meerman | 28-Nov-2003 | software | |
threejugsRoe1999 | Three Jugs | Chris Roe | Oct-1999 | model | PhD |
tictactoeRoe2002 | Tic-tac-toe dependency exercises | Chris Roe | 17-Jul-2002 | model | PhD |
trafficlightMendis1997 | Traffic Light | Chandika Mendis | Apr-1997 | model | MScM |
triangleRun-bol2001 | Representations of a triangle | Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol | Dec-2001 | model | PhD |
vcgWard1999 | VCG of Eden | Ashley Ward | Oct-1999 | model | PhD |
velShethDOrnellas1998 | Virtual Electronic Laboratory | Chirag R. Sheth | 1998 | model, software | MScD |
vimodelBoyatt2007 | vi editor | Russell Boyatt | 05-Dec-2007 | model | PhD |
vimodesBeynon2006 | vi modes | Meurig Beynon | 16-Oct-2006 | model | Acad |
vmcRun-bol2001 | Virtual Machine for Chocolate | Jaratsri Rungrattanaubol | May-2001 | model | PhD |
vstKing2005 | Visual Symbol Table | Karl King | 2005 | component | MScR |
warehouseChen2001 | Warehouse System | Yih-Chang Chen | Nov-2001 | model | PhD |
waterLim2006 | Teaching about water supply | Wee Beng Lim | 31-Dec-2005 | model | 4YM |
wingWong1998 | WING | Allan Wong | Apr-1998 | model, software | 3YP |
wumpusCole2005 | Hunt The Wumpus | Graeme Cole | 23-Jan-2005 | model | 4YM |
wumpusPavelin2002 | Wumpus World | Joanna Pavelin | 17-Mar-2002 | model | 3YP |
xxxiWest1997 | XXXI | Rob West | May-1997 | model | MScM |
xxxidistributedThurman1997 | A distributed version of the XXXI game | Mark Thurman | Jan-1999 | MScM |
A total of 175 projects currently.