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Frequently Asked Questions about EDEN


This is a list of the questions only -- click the question or see below for the answers.

  1. Where do I start?
  2. I can't start the tool: "can't initialise tcl", "can't find cygwin1.dll", "tcl error whilst evaluating edenio.tcl"...
  3. The models don't work: "can't read file..."
  4. Can you make it easier to use on Windows?
  5. The triggered actions look quite useful...
  6. Should I keep re-starting the tool whilst modelling?
  7. Do I have to keep re-typing things when using ttyeden?
  8. Aren't definitions and actions really equivalent?
  9. Why both proc and func in Eden?
  10. When I model a clock, my model hangs and I have to interrupt it...
  11. Why are these autocalc lines added at the start and end of my files?
  12. tkeden crashed and (lost my model) / (before I saw the error message)!
  13. I'm getting a crash with Segmentation Fault (or Bus Error, or...) - is this normal?
  14. I can't get the list (or string) operators to work
  15. I'm having problems with lists which are definitions
  16. How do I create lots of similar definitions?
  17. Does the forget() procedure work?
  18. How serious is the "stack pointer was inconsistent" message?
  19. Writing an if statement as a definition...
  20. I'm having problems with definitive string references...
  21. I can't seem to make a dependency upon the length of a list...
  22. Where can I ask more of these questions?
  23. How can I debug tkeden?
  24. How do I write long lines in DoNaLD?
  25. What is the best way to write Scout window attributes?
  26. Remind me how the Eden, DoNaLD and Scout namespaces interact?
  27. Which way up are the coordinate systems?
  28. Can I get to this information from a library function?
  29. What does the ~ character do in Eden?
  30. How do I use sscanf()?
  31. How do I display a number in Scout, in scientific notation truncated to 4 decimal places?
  32. How do I specify colours in tkeden?
  33. I'm having problems with lists and eval() (or back-ticks...)
  34. Does giving an agent an LSD oracle on an observable mean that they will observe every change to it, or that they can?
  35. How can I use sensitive: MOTION?
  36. How can I remove n specified values from a list?
  37. Is there a command line parameter in dtkeden (like -c ) which allows specification of agent name automatically?
  38. How can I append to the screen variable?
  39. How can I delete a window?
  40. How do I access the points belonging to a DoNaLD line from Eden?
  41. Is there any way of getting a list of agents logged in?
  42. I'm getting heap overflow error when using the symboltable() function...
  43. You say this works, but it doesn't for me...
  44. I can't get TEXTBOX to give me keypress redefinitions...
  45. Sasami's performance seems terrible...
  46. How can we assign the contents of a Tcl variable (or command) to an Eden observable?
  47. How do propagateType and everyOneAllowed combine?
  48. Can you give me a history of the EDEN tools?
  49. Where have exp2, exp10 and log2 gone?
  50. What is the difference between screen=<thing/thing2>; and screen=thing&thing2; in Scout?
  51. I'm using the Enlightenment window manager on Linux, and tkeden seems to keep freezing for two seconds each time there is an error...
  52. Can I rename a procedure?
  53. tkeden seems to have hung...
  54. This code works in tkeden - why doesn't it work in ttyeden?
  55. What do the -n and -i command line options do?
  56. What port number does dtkeden communicate on?
  57. What command line options do the tools support?
  58. What version number of the tool am I running?
  59. Can I manually set trigger pointers in Eden?
  60. What is this ---- line at the top of the View menu?
  61. How can I use a custom function in Donald?
  62. My include("~/...") statement doesn't work
  63. How can I comment out chunks of code in Eden?
  64. Is there a comment syntax valid in all tkeden notations?
  65. What file extensions should I use for my scripts?
  66. I'm desperate to contribute to this FAQ
  67. I can't get pointers and lists to work...
  68. Can I create more than one Scout window?
  69. I get a stack overflow when appending to the end of a list
  70. How do the various list operations in Eden perform?
  71. Can I automatically indent hard-to-read code written in Eden?
  72. Can I change the size of the Scout screen?
  73. How can I make the contents of a TEXTBOX unmodifiable?
  1. Where do I start?

    A guide to downloading, installing and running the tools can be found in our Getting started with the Eden tools document.

  2. I can't start the tool: "can't initialise tcl", "can't find cygwin1.dll", "tcl error whilst evaluating edenio.tcl"...

    The tools need to find various support files at their start up time. On UNIX, writing the appropriate wrapper script is left as an exercise for the user. On Windows, the .exe files need to be left in the same directory as the library files, as they were when the .zip file was extracted. Previously, a run.bat file was configured with information about the location of the various support files, and then this was invoked to start tkeden.exe. The batch file (and the required initial manual configuration) has now been removed, and replaced with a hack that attempts to determine the support file locations using the current working directory. Windows appears to set the current working directory to the location of the executable when it is run in most (but not all) circumstances. The proper solution to this problem is to build an installation program which modifies the registry to record the location of the support files, but this would take some time and the current hack may be sufficient for the time being.

  3. The models don't work: "can't read file..."

    Many of the model scripts use the Eden procedural command include(...) to read in other scripts. For this to work, the current working directory needs to be set to the correct location. Historically, this was never a problem on UNIX as users tended to cd into the directory containing the model scripts before starting the tool (which was usually located somewhere on their $PATH). The current working directory is, however, a less obvious concept in a GUI environment. The tools currently have a hack to attempt to help with this problem: whenever a script is included (which could be via the File menu, or via an include(...) statement), the current working directory is set to the containing directory of that script file.

  4. Can you make it easier to use on Windows?

    The tools can be run from a DOS prompt, giving a UNIX-like style to locating and running models. The Windows tools have the same command line arguments as the UNIX version. If this appeals, we might suggest that you download cygwin, which provides a bash shell for Windows and many other utilities. We expect most users, however, to use the tools via their interface. In tkeden.exe you can load and start using a model by using options in the File menu. In ttyeden.exe, the Eden include(...) function can be used to read in an Eden script.

    It is possible to put a shortcut onto your desktop to ease starting the tools: right-click on the .exe file, choose Create Shortcut and then drag the resulting shortcut to the desktop.

    One possible way to avoid having to repeatedly navigate to the model files via the File menu is to add the tools to the "Send To" menu. To do this, create shortcuts as above, then place the shortcuts in the directory c:\windows\send to. Model file(s) can then be selected and "sent to" the tool.

  5. The triggered actions look quite useful...

    Yes, but over-use of triggered actions can quickly lead to a model which executes rather like the proverbial spaghetti, and is then particularly prone to execution ordering issues which can be affected by subtle factors such as the ordering of items within the script. The primary emphasis of the tools is intended to be the definitive facilities, which are more robust to change. Triggered actions are provided mainly to allow a display (with a conventional procedural interface or API) to be kept in synchrony with a definitive model.

  6. Should I keep re-starting the tool whilst modelling?

    No, although we'll forgive you if you do. Modelling is intended to be a fairly intensive process involving much interaction between modeller and model and a large amount of experimentation. The intent is not for modellers to write large amounts of script "code" in a text editor, and then keep reinvoking the tool on that file and making small adjustments until the model "compiles". The interaction envisaged is more along the lines of the modeller introducing a new definition or redefinition a few at a time through the Input window, observing their effect and then repeating, gradually growing a model. Admittedly, the tkeden interface offers some rather poor support to this mode of interaction.

  7. Do I have to keep re-typing things when using ttyeden?

    No, ttyeden uses the GNU readline library as of version 1.4. This uses emacs-style key bindings by default, but it can be configured to use vi-like key bindings if you love vi. Note that you can edit input in the usual way using cursor left / right and backspace, you can move backwards and forwards through history using the cursor keys (or control-p, control-n), activate a search through history using control-r and then typing some of what you would like to find and so on. readline can be configured by writing a .inputrc file - see the readline(3) man page for full details of key bindings and configuration information.

  8. Aren't definitions and actions really equivalent?

    It is possible to do a kind of "translation" between these two forms: a is b+c; might be considered similar to proc calca : b, c { a = b+c; } for example. However, the two concepts are intended to be used for quite different modelling purposes, and the scheduling of the action version may not be as correct as the definitive version, since the definition maintainer lacks knowledge of the left-hand-side of the effective definition stated by the action. (More detail in this answer would be appreciated if you'd like to write it!)

  9. Why both proc and func in Eden?

    Currently, the implementation behaviour for both proc and func is the same. However, in the future, func may be changed, adding dependency on internally referenced global state, as noted at the end of the Eden handbook.

  10. When I model a clock, my model hangs and I have to interrupt it...

    Modelling a process with continuous retriggering, like a clock, requires the use of the todo(...) procedure (which delays the evaluation of the provided string until after the current run queue has completed) if the tkeden interface is to be kept alive. The code snippet below (taken from the Eden Quick Reference guide, available from the Help menu in tkeden) provides a clock implementation:

    proc clocking : clock { /* a clocking process */
     todo("clock++;");  /* increment clock after current evaluation finishes */
    proc device1 : clock {  /* action synchronised by the clock */
     ...                   /* action body */
    proc device2 : clock {
     ...                   /* action body */
  11. Why are these autocalc lines added at the start and end of my files?

    The ordering of items within a definitive script is, in theory, unimportant, as the value of a definition will not be calculated until the information is available. In practice, however, some Eden operators do not cope gracefully with undefined values (@), and cause errors, so the ordering of the file becomes important (eg functions should be defined before their first use). The autocalc variable allows evaluation to be temporarily suspended, and if placed at the start and end of a file allows all relevant information to be loaded (in any order) before evaluation begins. tkeden's save facility adds autocalc lines automatically when saving if the "save as reusable definitions" option is checked.

  12. tkeden crashed and (lost my model) / (before I saw the error message)!

    Apologies. However, all may not be lost - the history of your interaction with tkeden is saved in the files .tkeden-history*, located in your $HOME directory. There is one file per session with tkeden - older files are moved to names with a number appended, in case you restart tkeden before realising you've lost your work. Currently, your last four sessions are saved.

  13. I'm getting a crash with Segmentation Fault (or Bus Error, or...) - is this normal?

    The crash may be "normal" (as in "frequent") as the tools unfortunately still have many bugs. However, a fatal error is a nasty type of bug (as it causes annoyance and possibly lost work). If the tool crashes, if you can, fix the problem in the Eden source code. If you can't, please report it to us. Please take the time to check if your crash is repeatable and write a small "test-case" (a script with only a few lines) to show the problem - your problem will be easier to solve and hence more likely to be fixed if you help in this way.

  14. I can't get the list (or string) operators to work

    Strings are not equivalent to lists in some ways. Please submit some more detail for this answer!

  15. I'm having problems with lists which are definitions

    Eden's list implementation is not perfect, especially when they are used definitively (eg l is [a, b, c+2, 42];):

    • Assigning a value to a element in a list causes the entire list to loose it's definitive status and become a value (eg l[4] = 43; above would cause the values in l to then become the current values of a, b, c+2 and 43, and they would not be updated in the future if a, b or c changed).
    • The list element selection syntax (l[n]) is really just sugared syntax for a function-based definition (eg selectElement(l, n)). As a result, if a definition references l[n], it will be reevaluated if any other part of l (perhaps l[x]) is modified. This unnecessary evaluation should not cause trouble with a correctly written definitive script, but it makes model evaluation slower than necessary. This problem also means that it is not possible to create dependency within a list, eg l is [a, l[1]]; as this is considered a cyclic reference.
  16. How do I create lots of similar definitions?

    There are many ways to approach this problem, and each comes with disadvantages.

    1. Use the DoNaLD graph facility. This is OK but limited to line drawing.
    2. Use a text editor with a macro facility (or write a program) to write a large and repetitive script. The script is then hard to modify.
    3. Use an Eden for loop and the include() procedure to read in a file multiple times, and use the virtual agency feature to read in the file in a different "context" each time, creating definitions with agent names prepended to their names, remembering to use the ~ character to specify the root context for references to non-context-specific variables. This can lead to problems which are very difficult to debug and lots of small files whose function is unclear.
    4. Use an Eden for loop and the execute() procedure to repeatedly give the interpreter dynamically created redefinitions, usually constructed using much string concatenation. The code that does this is usually fairly hard to read, but easier to debug than the virtual agent based solution.
    5. Use an Eden for loop and a macro substitution procedure to repeatedly substitute parameters into a redefinition "template" which is then given to the interpreter. The substitution procedure could be hand-coded, or the system function sprintf() could be used, or the library Eden function macro() (which is used by DoNaLD) could be used. This may be the cleanest way yet devised to solve the problem, but requires some learning about the macro substitution procedure before it can be used.

    Here is an example of technique number 4, kindly contributed by Chris Roe. The following procedure instantiates a set of num parallel DoNaLD lines.

    proc p {
      para num;
      auto i;
        for (i=1; i<=num; i++) {
                   point p"//str(i)//"
                   p"//str(i)//" = {10+"//str(i*10)//",10}
                   line l"//str(i)//"
                   l"//str(i)//" = [p"//str(i)//",p"//str(i)//"+{0,500}]

    Note that the line breaks in this solution are essential. The attributeexplorerRoe2000 project contains more examples of this technique.

    Some examples for solutions 3 and 5 are given in the Matters Arising section of the Not So Quick Guide to dtkeden.

    All of the above "solutions" are in some sense equivalent at the machine level, where individual symbols are created in storage for each instantiated symbol. The duplication uses more system resources and also is not recorded as duplication in the machine, making it difficult to remove instances, for example. So a better solution to this problem probably involves some work in the machine, below the notational level. However if you have any ideas, please contribute!

  17. Does the forget() procedure work?

    Yes, it does. But it silently fails (although it gives a different return code) if a definition somewhere in the system references the symbol that you are trying to remove. Check the return code from forget() and use the query statement to help you remove obstinate symbols:

    1:> a = 42;
    2:> r is a;
    3:> writeln(forget("a"));
    4:> ?a;
    a ~> [r]; /* a last changed by input */
    5:> writeln(forget("r"));
    6:> writeln(forget("a"));
    7:> ?a;
    a ~> []; /* a last changed by input */
  18. How serious is the "stack pointer was inconsistent" message?

    This means that EDEN was interrupted whilst executing a procedure, and aborted the procedure, throwing away the return result, any parameters and auto variables (which are all stored on the stack). It is probably safe to carry on without needing to restart the tool.

    Recent update: as of version 1.19, this message has been removed as it means more to the tool developer than it does to the modeller.

  19. Writing an if statement as a definition...

    "How can I rewrite

    if (f(a) == 1) {
      x = 1;
    } else {
      x = 0;

    such that it starts x is ...? For this, you need to use the ternary operator (so-called because it unusually has three parameters). For this example, you would need

    x is (f(a) == 1) ? 1 : 0;

    Note that the dependency between x, f and a is correctly set up when using a ternary operator (check with the query ? statement).

  20. I'm having problems with definitive string references...

    Back-ticks can be used to change a string into a reference (in a similar manner to their use in UNIX shells to denote execution of a command, the value of the expression being the output of the command). For example:

    1:> a = 42;
    2:> r = "a";
    3:> writeln(`r`);

    Back-ticks used in definitions can be problematic. Using them on the left hand side of a definition is safe:

    4:> `r` = 43;
    5:> ?a;
    a ~> []; /* a last changed by input */

    But back-ticks on the right hand side of a definition results in missing dependency:

    6:> c is `r` + 5;
    7:> writeln(c);
    8:> a = 0;
    9:> writeln(c);
    10:> ?a;
    a ~> []; /* a last changed by input */

    a should be triggering c, at least for as long as r remains set to "a". This dynamic dependency is not implemented by EDEN (a partial hack solution was present, but was removed recently as it was incomplete). It is possible to add missing dependency by using the "dependency link" ~> statement manually and perhaps wrapping this in an agent action, but a general solution is difficult and there is currently no easy way of removing dependencies added in this way.

  21. I can't seem to make a dependency upon the length of a list...

    Yes - currently

    proc p : l# { writeln("length of list l changed"); }

    results in a parse error. However, it should be possible to write an action triggered by l, and examine the length of l within the action to see if it has changed (the old length of the list would need to be recorded as global state).

  22. Where can I ask more of these questions?

    If you are at the University of Warwick, the USENET group uwarwick.dcs.emprojects is a useful public forum, where others can also benefit from your question and any potential answers. There are also mailing lists for the Empirical Modelling group: check the EM web pages for details.

  23. How can I debug tkeden?

    Here are a couple of tricks that might be useful:

    • Remember you can redefine the parts of the run time system that are written in Eden quite easily - take a look at what is there using the view definitions window, and add debugging lines of code by redefining whole functions if you like.
    • If you are having problems with DoNaLD or Scout, try setting the Eden variable _tkeden_showxoutput to 1. The code sent Tcl (which is used to implement the DoNaLD and Scout output) will then be dumped to your terminal when redefinitions are made.
    • If the program runs for a while and then crashes, watch its memory usage with top. If there appears to be a memory leak, it is possible to link a version of tkeden with a library that checks memory accesses - dmalloc is a good one: see the --with-dmalloc-include=DIR and --with-dmalloc-lib=DIR configure options and This can of course make the tool run very slowly. After you have compiled the tool with the dmalloc library and set up your shell with the dmalloc function / alias, dmalloc -l ~/dmalloc.out -i 100 low could be an initial setup line to turn on debugging and log statistics to the given file on exit.
    • It may be useful to watch the system calls being made as tkeden runs: on Solaris, try running truss -f tkeden to see them (or use strace on Linux)
    • If you get a "Segmentation Fault" or "Bus error" crash, then - oh dear - you have found a problem to do with memory access. These are quite difficult bugs to track down and fix. You can try and run tkeden inside a debugger (eg gdb, or ddd if you prefer a windowing version, or dbx if tkeden was compiled with cc instead of gcc). If you can reproduce the bug within the debugger, use the bt (backtrace) command to print out the stack trace - this may help to locate the problem. If you can't get the debugger to work (there might be problems if you don't have access to the source code, perhaps), then try generating a core file (look at the command limit (in csh derivates), or ulimit (sh derivates, including bash)). Then give the core file to someone with the source code and the knowledge that can have a look.
    • (Hopefully this one is obvious): narrow the problem down by creating a small test case that reproduces the problem. Eg "doing a=@; causes a Segmentation fault" is better than "my 5000 line model sometimes crashes".
  24. How do I write long lines in DoNaLD?

    Use the backslash symbol \ at the end of a line to continue it onto the next, much as is required in many UNIX shells.

  25. What is the best way to write Scout window attributes?

    Commas can be used to separate attribute declarations within Scout window definitions, but they are not required, and in fact cause a parse error if they are used after the last attribute. This makes copying and pasting blocks of attributes rather difficult, so we'd recommend that you don't use commas:

    window ash = {
    type: TEXT
    string: "Ash"
  26. Remind me how the Eden, DoNaLD and Scout namespaces interact?

    From \ To Eden DoNaLD SCOUT
    Eden direct prepend an underscore _ direct
    DoNaLD append exclamation ! (before any argument list for a function: eg eq!(a,b)). You may need to surround with trunc() or float() to force the type. direct append exclamation ! (before any argument list for a function: eg eq!(a,b)). You may need to surround with trunc() or float() to force the type.
    SCOUT direct prepend an underscore _ direct

    Don't forget to declare variable types in notations other than Eden.

  27. Which way up are the coordinate systems?

    The Scout Y coordinate system is the opposite way up to Donald. (Or is it? Can you provide more detail?).

  28. Can I get to this information from a library function?

    Remember that you can redefine a large amount of the standard library that is included in tkeden at runtime. If you need information that a library function uses, then write a patch file which you include at runtime that redefines that function, extending it in a way that you would like. If this solves a general problem in a nice way, your patch should then be merged into the main source code permanently.

  29. What does the ~ character do in Eden?

    In DoNaLD, the ~ character denotes a "root context". In Eden, it means something similar: it denotes a reference to a variable in the root virtual agent context. Virtual agents are documented in the Quick Guide to dtkeden. They bring many problems along with their potential power, however - please read the note at the head of that document carefully before using them.

  30. How do I use sscanf()?

    This example might help - it reads a string input from the user, then attempts to convert this to an integer value. See the sscanf(3C) man page.

    $ ttyeden
    1:> input=gets();
    2:> i=0; /* must initialise to an integer */
    3:> sscanf(input, "%d", &i);
    4:> writeln(i);
  31. How do I display a number in Scout, in scientific notation truncated to 4 decimal places?

    Scout is designed primarily for window layout, so probably won't give you much help here! You can write a function in Eden, however, and show the result of that in Scout. A function to format a number to this specification is given below - see the sprintf(3C) man page or any good book on the C language for an explanation.

    func snf {
      /* Must initialise it to a string of appropriate length */
      ret=substr("", 1, 10);
      sprintf(ret, "%.4e", $1);
      return ret;

    sprintf is used by Donald: see the rtos function in donald.init.e (or just View Eden definitions).

  32. How do I specify colours in tkeden?

    Colour values can specified to Tk (and hence, tkeden) in two ways. (The following is taken from "Practical Programming in Tcl and Tk", Welch). Colour values are specified in two ways: symbolically (eg red) or by hexadecimal numbers (eg #ff0000). The leading # distinguishes the hexadecimal representation from the symbolic one... There is a large collection of symbolic colour names like "red", "blue", "green", "thistle", "medium sea green", "yellow4". These names originate from X... run the xcolors program that comes with the standard X distribution.

    We'd recommend that you use hexadecimal colour values if you are not using one of the trivial colour names (for portability). A function to convert integer red, green, blue values (eg 1, 30, 255) into a hexadecimal colour reference which can be used throughout tkeden (the corresponding result being #011eff) is given below.

    func colourref {
      para r, g, b;
      s = substr("", 1, 8); /* must initialise to appropriate length first */
      sprintf(s, "#%02x%02x%02x", r, g, b);
      return s;
  33. I'm having problems with lists and eval() (or back-ticks...)

    List indexing doesn't appear to be implemented in either the back-tick operator or the eval function currently:

    $ ttyeden
    1:> d = ["a", "b", "c"];
    2:> writeln(eval("d[2]"));
    3:> writeln(`"d[2]"`);

    Eval in particular, though, has procedural overtones: it evaluates the given expression to provide a value, but when? At the time of execution of the eval statement - perhaps something we should be trying to get away from. Can you re-think?

  34. Does giving an agent an LSD oracle on an observable mean that they will observe every change to it, or that they can?

    -------- file server.e: --------
    /* dtkeden -s -c 12 server.e & */
    agent ash
    oracle tn, _clock_t, a
    tn = 0;
    _clock_t is tn / 60;
    a is tn / 60;
    -------- file client.e: --------
    /* dtkeden -a -c 12 -h gem client.e */
    proc p : _clock_t { writeln("_clock_t = ", _clock_t); }

    One thing that appears to come out of this experiment: in some cases, specifying an observable means that every change to it will be observed by the client. In other cases (eg this derivate case), specifying the observable means that it can be observed by the client. In this case, doing renewObs("a"); on the client causes the current definition of a (which is a derivate) to turn up at the client. There are numerous issues here: derivates probably shouldn't be treated differently wrt propagation; perhaps a peer-to-peer-based structure to dtkeden would be more sensible and general than a client / server architecture; the ontology being invoked by the dtkeden implementation is undocumented and hence probably not well implemented, etc etc...

  35. How can I use sensitive: MOTION?

    "I would like to be able to drag a 2D drawing (using a reference point) across a Donald window. The catch is that I want to be able to redraw the object so it appears on the screen as I move it..."

    If you specify sensitive as MOTION, the definition name_mousePos will follow the position of the mouse. name should be substituted with the name of the widget in the same manner as the _mouse and _key definitions. Here is some example code:

    point soundLevelButNW, soundLevelButSE;
    soundLevelButNW = {400, 420};
    soundLevelButSE = {410, 490};
    window soundLevelBut = {
            type: DONALD
            pict: "SOUNDLEVELBUTTON"
            box: [soundLevelButNW, soundLevelButSE]
            xmin: -5
            ymin: -5
            xmax: 5
            ymax: 105
            border: 1
            sensitive: ON + MOTION
    screen = <soundLevelBut>;
    proc p : soundLevelBut_mouse {
      writeln("p : ", soundLevelBut_mouse);
    proc q : soundLevelBut_mousePos {
      writeln("q : ", soundLevelBut_mousePos);

    p is triggered when the mouse is clicked (since ON also specified for sensitive), and q is triggered when the mouse is moved inside the button. Check the History window and watch for redefinitions there when moving the mouse.

    Note that it should now be possible to specify a variable instead of the constant MOTION for sensitive, which would mean that you could turn this feature on and off (as the number of redefinitions caused by every mouse movement can cause things to slow down a bit).

  36. How can I remove n specified values from a list?

    This doesn't work:

    for (i=1; i<= delList#; i++) {
      delete master, delList[i];

    (delList is, for example, [18, 36, 54] and master is [1, 2, 3, 4, ...]).

    It looks like there were two problems for anyone who comes across this in the future: a) An eager() is needed some time after the delete. b) When you delete x, y becomes element y-1 if y is after x: you need to add a fudge factor...

  37. Is there a command line parameter in dtkeden (like -c ) which allows specification of agent name automatically?

    No, not at the moment - sorry:

    $ dtkeden -u
    Usage: /dcs/emp/empublic/solaris-sparc/bin/dtkeden-1.17 [-s|-a]
     -c<channel number> -h<hostname> {-l<lib directory>}
     {-v|-u} {-e <code>}|{<filename>}
     {-e <code>}|{<filename>}...
           -s invoke as the server ("superagent")
           -a invoke as a client ("agent")
           -c channel number: 0,1,2,3, ..., 99
           -h hostname of the machine running the dtkeden server (only required
              if running as a client [-a])
           -l name of the directory containing the library files
           -v output version information and exit
           -u output this usage information and exit
           -e execute 'code'
           if file is '-', standard input will be read
    See for more information

    This feature might be added at some point in the future: keep an eye on the ChangeLog file (accessible using Help->ChangeLog) and the usage message given by the -u argument.

  38. How can I append to the screen variable?

    The &= Scout operator was implemented to allow adding, instead of having to use an execute(), so (eg) screen &= ; should add to the screen variable.

  39. How can I delete a window?

    As a first step, you can redefine the screen variable so that the particular window does not show. You might like to know that you can reflect on the current state of symbols using the Eden functions such as symboldetail(), the results from which it is possible to modify and then use to make a redefinition, using an execute(). (Documentation of a second step would be appreciated if you want to submit it!).

  40. How do I access the points belonging to a DoNaLD line from Eden?

    "Eg, in DoNaLD, line1 = [{5,10},{15,20}], then in Eden find out the values of the x and y variables of the points".

    Try accessing it as _shape_linename (e.g. _thingy_line1 if you call your shape thingy). This seems to represent, as a list: [L,[C,1,1],[C,100,1]] so _thingy_line1[2][2] is the first coordinate of the first point, _thingy_line1[2][3] is the second coordinate of the first point and so on.

  41. Is there any way of getting a list of agents logged in?

    There appears to be a variable CLIENT_LIST which contains a list of connected clients.

  42. I'm getting heap overflow error when using the symboltable() function...

    Presumably you have quite a large model. Probably the targets and sources parts of the list that is being built to be returned to you are too large. The function symboltext(symbol) should be useful in this circumstance: it gives the same result as symboldetail(symbol)[3] (the text that was used to originally define the symbol) but this function is less likely to fall over due to lack of heap space.

  43. You say this works, but it doesn't for me...

    Remember to state which platform you are using in problem descriptions as things may well work differently on different platforms.

  44. I can't get TEXTBOX to give me keypress redefinitions...

    If you are using Windows, try re-enabling the "mouse follows focus" function in edenio.tcl.

  45. Sasami's performance seems terrible...

    You aren't running it on an XDM terminal, are you? (Ie an X-terminal or old SparcStation set up to run almost everything remotely across the network).

  46. How can we assign the contents of a Tcl variable (or command) to an Eden observable?

    Environment variables might be possible, as Tcl and Eden run in the same process...

    /* parameter is string of TCL variable to copy e.g. $eshost       */
    /* RETURNS : Contents of Tcl Var in EDEN                          */
    proc tclBridge {
      para toGet;
      auto result;
      tcl("set env(TCL_TO_EDEN_LINK) "// toGet);
      result = getenv("TCL_TO_EDEN_LINK");
      return result;

    Update: this may be unnecessary as the Eden tcl() function seems to return the result of the Tcl command. So the above function could possibly be replaced by this (untested) version:

    proc tclBridge {
      return tcl("set "//$1);
  47. How do propagateType and everyOneAllowed combine?

    propagateType is a system variable that controls automatic sending of observables to clients (within dtkeden). There are 3 possible values: -1, 0 and 1. It works in conjunction with everyOneAllowed which controls the activation of LSD, if present. everyoneAllowed is documented in the Quick Guide to dtkeden. This table shows the actions taken by dtkeden for each value combination.

    propagateType \ everyOneAllowed 1 0
    -1 No Propagation No Propagation
    0 Propagate all observables Follow LSD definition
    1 Propagate all observables Propagate all observables

    The value of propagateType can be changed during a modelling session. Any new observables will behave as the new value. The behaviour of the old ones is more uncertain. In general it will keep its previous method: e.g. observable a is created while propagateType == -1. Observable a will not be sent to any dtkeden clients.

    However, under some circumstances the observable (e.g. a) will switch behaviours after propagateType is changed: i.e. it may now be automatically sent out to all the clients. The exact circumstances that this occurs under are not clear, but it may be related to the observable being redefined.

    If the value 0 is used then LSD permissions are respected. It is important to note that LSD works for virtual agents as well as normal ones and once a definition is created for an observable, every agent requiring access must be stated. This includes any virtual agents created by procedures.

  48. Can you give me a history of the EDEN tools?

    This is a rough outline. Edward Yun Wai Yung's third year project became his MSc by research, which he submitted in September 1989. This was what we now call ttyeden. Edward's younger brother, Simon Yun Pui Yung (sy) became interested in this and, following the completion of his PhD in October 1992, spent two years as an EPSRC-funded research fellow integrating the pipeline-based tools into the initial tkeden. Richard Cartwright and Amanda Wright later fixed bugs, ported the system to Solaris 2 from SunOS 4 (Solaris 1) and worked on the initial PC port. For his PhD (completed in July 1999), Pi-Hwa (Patrick) Sun added distributed features to the work, producing dtkeden. Ashley Ward started to clean up the code in 1999, merging the dtkeden and tkeden sources back together and replacing the old Imake-based build system with an autoconf based solution. Ben Carter developed the code on Windows for his third year project in 1999/2000, working on the port and adding the Sasami notation. Since then, Ashley Ward has ported the Sasami notation back to UNIX, given the software the GPL license, uploaded it to SourceForge and worked on many bug fixes and interface improvements.

  49. Where have exp2, exp10 and log2 gone?

    These functions have been missing from EDEN since around 1999 as they seem to have disappeared from the C library. Hopefully you can work around this using other functions - ask if you need them implemented again.

  50. What is the difference between screen=<thing/thing2>; and screen=thing&thing2; in Scout?

    The / operator in Scout is for both numeric division and for concatenating windows into a window list, the last item in the list being furthest away in Z. A window list (which might only have one item) is made into an expression of type display by surrounding it with chevrons, thus: <window1/window2> or perhaps just <window1>. The variable screen is of type display, and so this syntax can be used to form an expression which may then be assigned to screen.

    The & Scout operator is used to concatenate items of type frame (used for laying out text across multiple windows as in desktop publishing - although this doesn't work too well at present) or display, with the last item mentioned again being furthest away in Z. Thus multiple displays can be assigned to screen using the & operator: screen = display1 & display2;, or displays and windows can be mixed, using the chevron syntax described in the paragraph above: screen = display1 & <window1>;.

  51. I'm using the Enlightenment window manager on Linux, and tkeden seems to keep freezing for two seconds each time there is an error...

    Yup, this seems to be a bug in the Tk "raise" function (which pulls a window to the front) - tkeden does this each time an error occurs, and when you open the History window etc etc. This seems to have been reported already as bug #25020 in KDE (which is 73 days old today) and bug #220260 in Tk, which states the bug is with Enlightenment and can be fixed by upgrading to version 0.16.4 (which doesn't seem to help here).

    A work-around is to use Tcl to redefine the raise function. Start tkeden like this:

    tkeden -e 'tcl("proc raise {win} {}");'
  52. Can I rename a procedure?

    No, but you can copy a proc and then overwrite the old definition. This can be useful when debugging. For example:

    execute("proc scout_show_canvas_original " //
            symboltext("scout_show_canvas") // ";");
    proc scout_show_canvas {
      writeln("scout_show_canvas ", $);
      apply(scout_show_canvas_original, $);
  53. tkeden seems to have hung...

    First, try pressing the Interrupt button. If that fails, try pressing Control-C once in the terminal window from where you started running it. (Or find the process number and do a kill -INT <process number>). This will clear both the current and the todo run queues, hopefully unwinding the tight loop that tkeden may be in.

  54. This code works in tkeden - why doesn't it work in ttyeden?

    tkeden comes loaded with a lot of state from the library files (specified with the -l argument). ttyeden does not read any library files and so has fairly minimal state at startup: there is no definition for TRUE and so on, for example.

  55. What do the -n and -i command line options do?

    These options effectively control the state of the eden_prompt variable, determining whether the ttyeden prompt is displayed. This is typically used to suppress the prompt when piping input into the tool via a translator. The options are only available in ttyeden, and the eden_prompt variable (which is correctly triggered by a change propagated from the command line options) is only available in version 1.19 and later (so the prompt may only be controlled from the command line). The options may be given multiple times and the ordering is significant: -n one.e -i two.e -n three.e causes a prompt to appear during execution of two.e only, for example.

  56. What port number does dtkeden communicate on?

    dtkeden uses sockets to implement client / server communication. The port number it uses is set by the -c option, which ranges from 0 ... 99. The actual port number currently used is this number + 9000. This port range is not officially assigned and so may need changing in the future.

  57. What command line options do the tools support?

    Use the -u (usage) option to find out.

  58. What version number of the tool am I running?

    Use the -v option.

  59. Can I manually set trigger pointers in Eden?

    Trigger pointers on variables tell Eden to propagate change elsewhere when the value of that variable is changed. The current status of the trigger pointers is shown in the output from the ? query operator:

    1:> a is b+c;
    2:> ?b;
    b ~> [a]; /* b last changed by input */

    (When a change is made to b, this will automatically cause a to be re-evaluated). The list of trigger pointers may be added to using the ~> "dependency link" syntax:

    3:> b ~> [q];
    4:> ?b;
    b ~> [a, q]; /* b last changed by input */

    It is not easily possible to remove trigger pointers in the current (1.19) version of Eden, although it would be possible to hack a solution by using execute to redefine symbols, resetting the trigger pointers.

  60. What is this ---- line at the top of the View menu?

    Some of the menus in tkeden can be "torn off" - click on the menu, then click on the ---- line at the top to turn the menu into a "torn-off" window that persists until you close it. This might be useful if you are repeatedly opening and closing windows.

  61. How can I use a custom function in Donald?

    Define your function in Eden, then use func!(args) in Donald to call it. (Note that the ! in the syntax must go between the name of the function and the argument list).

  62. My include("~/...") statement doesn't work

    ~/ and ~username/ are syntax for home directory location in some UNIX shells. The syntax is not implemented in EDEN: you might try using getenv("HOME") instead.

  63. How can I comment out chunks of code in Eden?

    Eden provides C-style multi-line /* */ comment syntax. C pre-processors do not implement nesting of comments, and so commenting out chunks of code can be difficult if comments already exist within the code (the first */ ends the comment block). In Eden, /* */ comments can be nested and so chunks of code can be reliably commented out.

  64. Is there a comment syntax valid in all tkeden notations?

    EDEN previously implemented only the C-style multi-line /* */ comment syntax. Some other notations do not implement this syntax, and so getting the correct syntax to use for a comment can be frustrating when writing a script which uses multiple notations. Due to this problem, a one-line '##' comment syntax was introduced into EDEN in version 1.19. '#' is a valid comment in the other tkeden notations, and so

    ## this is a comment in all tkeden notations (phew)
  65. What file extensions should I use for my scripts?

    Historically, UNIX does not use file extensions, preferring to look at the start of the file contents to determine the type (see the file(1) command for example). As a result, most existing models use a somewhat rough file extension scheme. The tools now exist on more than one platform, however, and Windows in particular still uses information from the filename to determine the file type. As of version 1.16, we would suggest the use of the file extensions .eden, .donald, .scout, .sasami and .script. The single character file-types were inadequate in many ways (we now have >1 notation as a candidate for .s, .s is also used for assembler files on some platforms and so on). .script is intended to be used for the circumstance where a text file contains a script which uses mixed notations: Eden and Donald, for instance. Hopefully this won't cause problems with Windows 8.3 filename limitations.

  66. I'm desperate to contribute to this FAQ

    This FAQ will only be useful if it contains genuinely useful frequently asked questions and answers, and it will only grow into this through contribution. Please email any questions (and hopefully answers!) you have to for inclusion here. Thanks in advance :).

  67. I can't get pointers and lists to work...

    Note that the [] list indexing operator takes precedence over the * pointer dereference operator. Brackets are therefore required if you use pointers to lists:

    var = &my_list;
    x = (*var)[i];
  68. Can I create more than one Scout window?

    Yes. Instead of building your entire interface in one Scout window, you can create more than one window in your platform's windowing environment and use multiple Scout screens. You need to call the OpenDisplay procedure and introduce an agent to call DisplayScreen when your new Scout screen list is changed. An example with an additional text window to show how the second screen can be used is below:

    OpenDisplay("screen2", 500, 500);
    proc display_screen2 : screen2 { DisplayScreen(&screen2, "screen2"); }
    window label = {
       type : TEXT
       frame: ([{20, 20}, {400, 30}])
       string: "This is Scout screen2"
    display screen2 = <label>;
  69. I get a stack overflow when appending to the end of a list

    There is a commonly used idiom for appending to lists which causes problems in EDEN. The code below will cause a stack overflow error after only 1023 items have been appended:

    l = [];
    for (i = 0; i <= 9999; i++) {
      l = l // [i];  /* don't use this idiom */

    The problem occurs as the // concatenation operator uses the stack as temporary space to form its result. The expression on the right hand side of l = l // [1] causes EDEN to make a copy of l, add the extra item 1 to its end and then finally assign this result back to the symbol l. The following reformulation is much more efficient and does not result in a stack overflow error as it appends to the list in place:

    l = [];
    for (i = 0; i <= 9999; i++) {
      append l, i;

    So, in general, in all cases, when appending to the end of a list, the procedural append command should be used in preference to the more list-processing concatenation // equivalent. l = l // [x] should be replaced with append l, x (note that the concatenation operator requires two lists, whereas append takes a list and any type).

    If the recommended idiom for appending to lists is used, very large lists can easily be processed by EDEN: the limit is actually related to the amount of virtual memory available to the EDEN process.

    The above substitution should not be applied when l is a string, as although the // concatenation operator functions on strings as well as lists, the append command does not.

    23rd Feb 2002: the above substitution is now automatically implemented in EDEN (versions >= 1.38), so the problem described above should no longer occur, and there should be no need to change any Eden scripts. Note however that the less common case l = [x] // l is not optimised, and would lead to the same stack overflow problem described. This example could be recoded using the list insert command.

  70. How do the various list operations in Eden perform?

    Eden lists are actually currently (as of approx Sept 2002) implemented as C arrays. This enables indexing to list elements in constant time, but can lead to slow insert and delete operations, which take O(n) time in the worst case. The table below enumerates the eight virtual machine operations that exist for lists in EDEN and their cost, determined through inspection of the source code. init and concat are the only ways in which a list can come into existence. sel and listsize are operations that observe features of an existing list. They can be used in a definitive context. shift, delete, append and insert are procedural operations which modify the number of elements in the list.

    Name Example Cost
    init [a,b,3] ?
    concat l=p//q; O(no items in p and q)
    sel l[i] (on LHS or RHS) O(1)
    listsize l# O(1)
    shift shift l; O(no items in the list)
    delete delete l,i; O(no items after deletion point)
    append append l,v; O(1)
    insert insert l,i,v; O(no items after insertion point)
  71. Can I automatically indent hard-to-read code written in Eden?

    Yes. Use the UNIX indent tool, which is designed to indent C code. It works on Eden code too -- but you must first remove single line Eden ## comments and temporarily substitute the Eden list length # operator with another character, %, say. (This is because in C, # denotes a pre-processor command.) Watch out for indent's default behaviour, which is to overwrite the input file!

  72. Can I change the size of the Scout screen?

    To set the size of the default settings for a scout display, there are two observables to modify before the display is opened, i.e. before the first %scout statement. The following code is taken from the header of introtoempresentWard2002/present.script.

    /* Set the background parameters of the 'screen' window etc.  The
       screen window must not have been opened first */
    DFwidth = 1045;
    DFheight = 730;
  73. How can I make the contents of a TEXTBOX unmodifiable?

    Can I effectively change a TEXTBOX to a TEXT without actually having to delete the window and create a TEXT one in its place containing the same information?

    ... this isn't supported in %scout, but it is possible to hack a solution to this by calling Tcl/Tk directly. For example:

    window ant = {
      type: TEXTBOX
      string: "Ant"
      frame: ([{10, 10}, {20, 20}])
      sensitive: ON
    screen = ;

    To disable the textbox:

    tcl("$ant_boxName configure -state disabled");

    To re-enable the textbox:

    tcl("$ant_boxName configure -state normal");

    Make sure you always put the name of the window between the dollar sign and the underscore (e.g. $ant_boxName).


  • Order this document more sensibly
  • Donald openshape vs shape. Explain the difference. Also attributes of shapes are not copied across...?
  • Document reserved words?
  • Add information from an older FAQ currently under ~wmb/public somewhere.

Revision history

  • June 22nd 2005: Fixed a few broken links. [Ash]
  • April 26th 2005: Added list of questions at start of this document, hyperlinked to answers. Attempted to make use of "Eden" (the language) and "EDEN" (the implementation) correctly throughout the document. [Ash]
  • April 21st 2005: Moved this document to a new home in Warwick SiteBuilder. [Ash]
  • February 21st 2005: Added "How can I make the contents of a TEXTBOX unmodifiable?" question and answer. Thanks to Antony Harfield for the content. [Ash]
  • January 24th 2005: Added "Can I change the size of the Scout screen?" question and answer. Thanks to Charlie Care for the content. [Ash]
  • January 17th 2005: Added "Can I automatically indent hard-to-read code written in Eden?" question and answer. [Ash]
  • January 17th 2005: Added "How do the various list operations in Eden perform?" question and answer (from an early draft of my PhD... this information does not appear in my PhD). [Ash]
  • January 26th 2004: Improved answer to "How do I create lots of similar definitions?" some more, including an example from Chris Roe amongst other improvements.
  • January 24th 2004: Added question numbering. Linked to the dtkeden document from "How do I create lots of similar definitions?". [Ash]
  • March 12th 2002: formatting fix. [Ash]
  • Feb 23rd 2002: added some more to "I get a stack overflow when appending to the end of a list". Minor improvements to other answers. [Ash]
  • Feb 22nd 2002: added "I get a stack overflow when appending to the end of a list". [Ash]
  • Feb 21st 2002: added "Can I create more than one Scout window?". [Ash]
  • August 16th 2001: table formatting fix. [Ash]
  • July 18th 2001: finished adding more items (about 10 more) from my "todo" document list. Added TODO section above. This document now contains 68 questions and answers. [Ash]
  • July 16th 2001: corrected errors relating to string initialisation in sprintf examples, added another one. [Ash]
  • July 15th 2001: added two more. [Ash]
  • July 14th 2001: added information about raise and Enlightenment. [Ash]
  • July 13th 2001: Started to add some more items which have been sitting on my "todo" document list for ages. [Ash]
  • June 2001: Original version (with nearly fifty questions and answers) created by Ashley Ward. Many thanks to the students using the tools and posting on uwarwick.dcs.emprojects (particularly Chris Keen) for the questions and answers. [Ash]