Empirical Modelling in relation to Concurency
Empirical Modelling in relation to Concurrency
Centre focus: concurrent systems
- How to make sense of a concurrent system?
- How to develop a concurrent system?
- What is the relation between the experiential concrete and logical abstract perspectives?
- How can we practically go about moving between one perspective and the other?
Near focus: programming as modelling
Propose to use MWDS to capture state in sense-making ... to build artefacts as construals that "embody understanding"
- What can the semantics of MWDS be?
- How can we generalise from the 1-agent to the multi-agent perspective?
Propose a semantics for MWDS that is rooted in thinking about construals (Gooding, 1990) within a philosophical framework of Radical Empiricism (William James, 1910).
Backdrop: artefacts and logic for computing in the wild
- Software development
Harel - Play-in scenarios, Beck - XP, Brooks, Loomes - Conceptual frameworks for computing and AI
Brian Cantwell-Smith, Winograd and Flores, Vincenti, Brödner - Tensions between theory and practice in CS
Ridley, Papadimitriou, Hartmannis, Wegener - The human and social context
Linklider, Norman, Andy Clark, Wright and McCarthy - Other applications
Papert - constructionism, McCarty - humanities computing, Hirschheim - information systems, Feynman - virtual science