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Reflections from Simon Yung

Simon Yung, who worked with the EM group from 1989-96 and played a major role in the development of tkeden, observed [in 2007]:

"Occasionally I do think back and try to see how my experience in Warwick contributed to my current programming practice. One of the things that has been helpful is the concept of indivisible state transition. Of course I am not writing EDEN scripts at my work (I am mostly writing in JAVA and Perl), but I always do a mental check, if not writing a subroutine to do so, to make sure that the program state is consistent, and – when an exception condition occurs – that the state should also be resolved to a meaningful one. It definitively [sic] helped to me to write codes that have fewer bugs. I think this kind of "bridge" between "pure" EM and day-to-day programming practice may have mutual benefits. On the one hand, EM will gain more attention and on the other, practitioners can write better programs."