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An LSD construal

LSD Specification for a train arrival-departure protocol

LSD Specification for a train arrival-departure protocol

	file 	: 	train.lsd
	date	: 	12/14/94
	author	: 	Simon Yun Pui Yung ('modernised' by wmb)
	notes	: 	description of agents for a `railway arrival-departure' system

The stationmaster

agent sm() { oracle (time) Limit, Time, // knowledge of time to elapse before departure due (bool) guard_raised_flag, // knowledge of whether the guard has raised his flag (bool) driver_ready, // knowledge of whether the driver is ready (bool) around[d], // knowledge of whether there's anybody around doorway (bool) door_open[d]; // the open/close status of door d (for d = 1 .. number_of_doors) state (time) tarrive = |time|, // the S-M registers time of arrival (bool) can_move, // the signal observed by driver for starting engine (bool) whistle = false, // the whistle is not blowing (bool) whistled = false, // the whistle has not blown (bool) sm_flag = false, // S-M lowers flag (bool) sm_raised_flag = false; // S-M has not raised flag handle (bool) can_move, (bool) whistle, (bool) whistled, (bool) sm_flag, (bool) sm_raised_flag; (bool) door_open[d]; // the open/close status of door d (for d = 1 .. number_of_doors) derivate number_of_doors (bool) ready = /\ (!door_open[d]); // are all doors shut? d = 1 (bool) timeout = (Time - tarrive) > Limit; // departure due protocol door_open[d] ^ !around[d] -> door_open[d] = false; (d = 1 .. number_of_doors) ready ^ timeout ^ !whistled -> whistle = true; whistled = true; guard(); whistle = false; ready ^ whistled ^ !sm_raised_flag -> sm_flag = true; sm_raised_flag = true; sm_flag ^ guard_raised_flag -> sm_flag = false; ready ^ guard_raised_flag ^ driver_ready ^ engaged ^ !can_move -> can_move = true; }
The guard
agent guard() { oracle (bool) whistled, sm_raised_flag, brake; state (bool) guard_raised_flag = false, (bool) guard_flag = false, (bool) brake; handle (bool) guard_raised_flag, guard_flag; derivate LIVE = engaging || whistled; protocol engaging -> brake = true; running = false; sm_raised_flag ^ brake -> brake = false; guard_flag = true; guard_raised_flag = true; guard_flag ^ !sm_flag -> guard_flag = false; }
The driver
agent driver() { oracle (bool) can_move, engaged, whistled; (position) at, from; handle (position) to, from, (bool) running, (bool) driver_ready = false; state (bool) driver_ready = false, (position) from; protocol whistled ^ !driver_ready -> driver_ready = true; engaged ^ from <> at -> from = at; to = next_station_after(at); can_move ^ engaged -> driver_ready = false; running = true; }
The passenger
agent passenger((int) p, (int) d, (position) _from, (position) _to) { // passenger p intending to travel from station _from to station _to // and he will access through door d of the train oracle (position) at, (bool) door_open[d]; state (bool) pos[p] = OUT_DOOR, alighting[p], boarding[p], join_queue[p,d]; handle (position) from[p] = _from; (position) to[p] = _to; (int) door[p] = d; (bool) pos[p], (bool) door_open[d]; derivate alighting[p] = at == to[p] ^ pos[p] != OUT_DOOR && engaged; boarding[p] = at == from[p] ^ pos[p] != IN_DOOR && engaged; join_queue[p,d] = (alighting[p] ^ door_open[d] ^ pos[p] == IN_DOOR) || (boarding[p] ^ door_open[d] ^ pos[p] == OUT_DOOR); LIVE = !(at == to[p] ^ pos[p] == ON_PLATFORM); protocol at == to[p] ^ pos[p] == AT_SEAT -> pos[p] = IN_DOOR; alighting[p] ^ !door_open[d] -> door_open[d] = true; alighting[p] ^ pos[p] == AT_DOOR ^ door_open[d] ^ !queuing[d] -> pos[p] == OUT_DOOR; door_open[d] = false; pos[p] = ON_PLATFORM; alighting[p] ^ pos[p] == AT_DOOR ^ door_open[d] ^ queuing[d] -> pos[p] == OUT_DOOR; pos[p] = ON_PLATFORM; boarding[p] ^ !door_open[d] -> door_open[d] = true; boarding[p] ^ pos[p] == AT_DOOR ^ door_open[d] ^ !queuing[d] -> pos[p] = IN_DOOR; door_open[d] = false; pos[p] = AT_SEAT; boarding[p] ^ pos[p] == AT_DOOR ^ door_open[d] ^ queuing[d] -> pos[p] = IN_DOOR; pos[p] = AT_SEAT; }
The train
agent train() { state (bool) running = true, (bool) brake = false, (bool) door_open[d] = false, (d = 1 .. number_of_doors) (position) from = station1, (position) to = station2, (position) at = some_position, (bool) engaging, engaged, leaving, alert; handle (bool) alert; derivate (bool) engaging = running ^ to == at, (bool) leaving = running ^ from == at, (bool) engaged = !running; protocol engaging ^ !alert -> alert = true; guard(); sm(); leaving ^ alert -> alert = false; delete guard(), sm(); }
The door
agent door((int) d) { oracle (int) pos[p], door[p]; (p = 1 .. number_of_passengers) state (bool) queuing[d], occupied[d], around[d]; derivate queuing[d] = there exists p such that join_queue[p,d] == true; occupied[d] = there exists p such that (pos[p] == AT_DOOR ^ door[p] == d) around[d] = there exists p such that (door[p] == d ^ (pos[p] == IN_DOOR || pos[p] == AT_DOOR || pos[p] == OUT_DOOR)) protocol queuing[d] ^ !occupied[d] ^ join_queue[p,d] == true -> pos[p] = AT_DOOR; (p = 1 .. number_of_passengers) }