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FoCS Archive News - Before Sept 20

New post: Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2 years)

We have a new opening for Postdoctoral Research Fellowship (2 years) in the area Advances in Discrete Mathematics and its Applications in the Analysis of Algorithms, as a part of a new Strategic Alliance between the University of Warwick and the Queen Mary University of London.

Closing date for applications: September 23, 2013. 

Candidates are required to have a PhD in Computer Science, Mathematics, or related discipline, and should be able to demonstrate excellent research potential in discrete mathematics or applications in algorithms and/or optimization. The post-doc will be associated with DIMAP and the Foundations of Computer Science Research Group at the University of Warwick, and will have the opportunity to work with world-leading researchers in Algorithms and in Discrete Mathematics, including Graham Cormode, Artur Czumaj, Matthias Englert, Dan Král', Vadim Lozin, Mike Paterson, Oleg Pikhurko, Maxim Sviridenko, ....

See here for more details.

Wed 21 Aug 2013, 13:41

Graham Cormode joins the Department as a new Professor

Graham Cormode

Graham Cormode has just joined the Department as a Professor associated with the Centre for Urban Science and Progress (CUSP).

Graham completed his PhD at the University of Warwick in 2002. His postdoctoral work was at the DIMACS center in Rutgers University. Subsequently, he has worked as a researcher at Bell Labs, and AT&T Shannon Laboratories in New Jersey. His work considers aspects of managing and working with large amounts of data, with particular emphasis on privacy and anonymization, and large scale analytics. Dr. Cormode has published over 100 papers in international journals and refereed conferences. He is the recipient of two best paper awards. He has served on the program committees of numerous conferences, and is an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, and for ACM Transactions on Database Systems.

For more information about Graham’s research please see his web page at

Thu 16 May 2013, 15:00

Best paper at ICALP 2013 (Track B) for John Fearnley and Marcin Jurdziński

Marcin & JohnCongratulations to our FoCS colleague Marcin Jurdziński, for winning the best paper award at the main European conference in Theoretical Computer Science ICALP 2013 (Track B), for the paper Reachability in Two-Clock Timed Automata is PSPACE-complete he co-authored with John Fearnley (a Warwick PhD, currently at the University of Liverpool).

John and Marcin's paper is one of six Warwick papers accepted for presentation at ICALP.

Thu 02 May 2013, 10:39

Andrzej Murawski joins the Department as a new Associate Professor


Andrzej Murawski joined the Department in January 2013 as an Associate Professor. His doctoral degree is from the University of Oxford, where he was also a Junior Research Fellow (St John's College) and subsequently an EPSRC Advanced Research Fellow. Before coming to Warwick he held a Lectureship at the University of Leicester.

Andrzej's research concerns the semantics of programming languages and its applications to program verification. In particular, he has extensive expertise in modelling logical systems and programming languages using games, an area known as game semantics.

Andrzej has served on program committees of international conferences such as FOSSACS, ICALP, LICS and POPL. He is a member of the EPSRC Peer Review College and Publicity Chair of LICS. His research has been supported by EPSRC, LMS and the Royal Society.

Andrzej teaches CS245 Automata and Formal Languages and CS246 Further Automata and Formal Languages in Term II.

For more information about Andrzej’s research please see his web page at

Thu 02 May 2013, 10:38

Five generations

Five generations

A recent workshop at Dagstuhl provided the opportunity for this photo of five generations of the PhD advisor relationship. From bottom to top we have Mike Paterson (Warwick), Leslie Valiant (Harvard), Mark Jerrum (Queen Mary College), Leslie Ann Goldberg (Liverpool) and Andreas Goebel (Liverpool).

Thu 02 May 2013, 10:37

Opening: Assistant Professor

The Department of Computer Science at the University of Warwick invites applications from candidates with proven excellence in research in computer science for the new opening as Assistant Professor in Computer Science.

Candidates are required to have a PhD in Computer Science or related discipline, should be able to demonstrate excellent research potential in computer science, and should be capable of research leadership, e.g., co-supervising MSc and PhD students in Computer Science and contributing to the preparation of research grants. Ideally the candidate will complement the research in the Department, but other research areas will also be considered in particularly strong cases. Special considerations will be given to candidates with interdisciplinary interests and industrial research experience. Candidates should also have excellent teaching skills as they will be expected to deliver taught modules in Computer Science and contribute to curriculum development.

To apply, please follow the instructions available on the official University web-page.

Please quote job vacancy reference number 31100-112.

Closing date for applications: 7 January 2013 (midnight British time).

£37,012 - £44,116 pa

More details can be found here.

Sun 09 Dec 2012, 22:58

Daniel Kral joins the Department of Computer Science as a new Professor

Daniel Kral

Daniel Kral joins the Department of Computer Science and the Warwick Mathematics Institute as a new Professor in October 2012. He is affiliated with the DIMAP Centre and with the FoCS Research group.

Daniel obtained his PhD in Computer Science in 2004 from Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic. Then he spent time as a postdoc at the Technical University Berlin, visiting assistant professor and Fulbright scholar at the Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, researcher at the Institute for Theoretical Computer Science, Charles University, Prague, and finally a tenured associate professor post at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science Institute, Charles University, Prague.

Daniel's primary research interest lies on the boundary of discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and algorithms design. More detailed list of his interest includes extremal combinatorics and dense combinatorial objects, use of combinatorial optimization techniques in graph theory, structural graph theory, in particular, graph coloring, graph and matroid decompositions and their algorithmic applications. He published around 100 journal papers in leading international journals, including publications in Advances in Mathematics, Combinatorica, Computational Complexity, Israel Journal of Mathematics, Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A and B, Journal of Graph Theory and SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics. Conference publication include those at FOCS, ICALP, SODA and STACS conferences. Daniel's research has been highly recognised by the number of invited plenary talks at international conferences, he has been awarded the prestigious European Prize in Combinatorics in 2011, and he is the recipient of ERC Starting Grant 2010 »Classes of Combinatorial Objects - from Structure to Algorithms«.

For more information about Daniel's research please visit his homepage.

Sun 14 Oct 2012, 13:08

Congratulations to Anna Adamaszek for completing her PhD

Anna Adamaszek

Anna Adamaszek successfully completed her PhD with the Thesis entitled "Approximation Algorithms for Geometric, Caching and Scheduling Problems", under the supervision of Prof Artur Czumaj.

Anna's PhD focuses on the study of approximation algorithms for optimization problems, one of the core areas of modern theoretical computer science. She has obtained research results in two areas: geometric optimisation algorithms and online algorithms. In the first topic, she presented new approximation algorithms for the capacitated location routing problem and the capacitated network design problem in the Euclidean plane. For online algorithms, she made a major progress in the study of two well known caching and scheduling problems: the generalized caching problem and the reordering buffer management problem. Her research has been presented in several most prestigious conferences in the field, including STOC'2011, ICALP'2011, and SODA'2012.

After completing PhD in Warwick, Ania moved to Germany, where she has been awarded a prestigious Lise-Meitner-Award postdoctoral fellowship at the Max-Planck-Institut für Informatik in Saarbrücken.

Sun 14 Oct 2012, 12:44

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