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Theory and Foundations News

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Interdisciplinary CS-Physics EPSRC New Horizons Award in Quantum Computing

We are delighted to report that Dr Tom Gur (Warwick CS) and Dr Animesh Datta (Warwick Physics) have been awarded an EPSRC New Horizons on "Property Testing for Quantum Engineering". This project aims to bring together computer scientists and physicists towards the end of designing new approaches for fault-tolerant quantum computing.

Fri 30 Sep 2022, 09:44 | Tags: Research Theory and Foundations

Shuichi Hirahara joins the department as a Research Fellow

We're happy to announce that Shuichi Hirahara has joined the department as a Research Fellow.

Shuichi completed his PhD at the University of Tokyo in 2019. He is currently an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo.

Shuichi's primary research area is computational complexity theory. During his stay at Warwick, he will be involved in the activities of a joint project with the University of Oxford on the limits and possibilities of efficient algorithms.

Wed 07 Sep 2022, 21:56 | Tags: People Theory and Foundations

Best paper award at MFCS 2022

We are happy to announce that Torsten Mütze (left in the picture), assistant professor in the Theory and Foundations Research Division, has won the Best Paper Award at the 47th International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (MFCS 2022) for the paper "The Hamilton compression of highly symmetric graphs", authored jointly with his student Arturo Merino (TU Berlin; middle) and Petr Gregor (Charles University Prague; right). The paper proposes a new graph parameter that measures the amount of symmetry present in its Hamilton cycles, and it investigates this parameter for a wide range of interesting highly-symmetric graphs. It combines methods from combinatorics, number theory and algebra, and connects the new parameter to several related problems that researchers have studied intensively. The MFCS best paper award is sponsored by the European Association for Theoretical Computer Science.

Mon 05 Sep 2022, 12:00 | Tags: Theory and Foundations

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