Digital Milamber
Funding Body: Technology Strategy Board
Consortium:Intellego Group,Pearson Education, RedTray Limited, 2sms Limited, Lifecycle Software Limited, the University of Warwick
Project Duration: 1 January 2012 to 31 December 2013
Budget: £740,272(Warwick allocation £132,689)
Project Summary:
Digitisation of media has led to a fundamental change in its use and the ways it is created and accessed. This inter-sectoral collaborative project will develop key innovations to enable a Digital Learning Marketplace(DLM), allowing users to find "nuggets" of simple content and combine them into complex digital objects exactly meeting their training needs. By exploiting and extending existing metadata, the DLM will make content searching simple and will manage rights and distribute payments to authors. However, to develop the DLM, we must overcome a number of technical barriers in decomposing content, persistence of metadata, rights tracking in complex objects, fingerprinting and royalty distribution.
The task for Warwick University in this project is to provide an effective mechanism for protecting content through digital watermarking and fingerprinting. The main challenges facing applications of digital watermarking and fingerprinting are scheme security and the conflicting requirements of robustness, payload and imperceptibility. We will carry out the following research work to address these issues:
- Threat modelling & security requirement formulation:
- Inter-modality watermarking / fingerprinting
- Colluder tracing
- Ensuring persistence of metadata