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Outreach in Computer Science

Just as Computer Science provides a world of possibility, studying at University can transform the way a person perceives the world and the opportunities available to them. Our aim in outreach is to raise the aspirations of young people for higher education and to help pupils make informed choices.

We have a variety of ongoing projects and activities designed to engage with the wider community, many of which have a particular emphasis on working with schools.

A photo of children taking part in an Outreach workshop.

We are proud to work with schools, professional bodies, government and academic institutions in raising the profile of Computer Science. Almost all of our projects involve partnerships of some sort.

We also regularly host training events for Teachers as part of the National Centre for Computing.

We are passionate about encouraging access to higher education, and Computer Science as a discipline, for all those who have the potential to study at university, regardless of background.

If you would like to find out more about our outreach programme, please email:

Spotlight Events

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A photo of children taking part in an Outreach event.

Menu of Activities

Click the link above to find a list of all events that the Department of Computer Science offer.

You can also see events and resources from The Faculty of Science, Engineering and Medicine here: Science in Schools & Colleges - Faculty of SEM (

A photo of children taking part in an Outreach event.

Past Events

Here you will find details of our previous Outreach events:

Sutton Trust Summer School

Slice of Science

Year 12 Discovery event.

A photo of children and adults taking part in an Outreach event.

Widening Participation

The University's Widening Participation and Outreach works closely with The Department of Computer Science to create resources and arrange activities to help improve access to higher education. Refer to their webpages for more details: Widening Participation at Warwick.