Initial Brief (20%)
For this part of the assessment, you are asked to formulate and outline a brief for your final visualisation in 1800 words. This should be submitted as a pdf file by 12.00 on 18 July 2024 (via Tabula).
Your brief should include
- The motivating curiosity
- The circumstances that will affect the project
- A description of the dataset
- A report on your initial understanding of the subject through the data
- A description of your vision for the final visualisation
This is an opportunity to get feedback on your ideas.
Marks will be awarded using the following criteria. Level of marks awarded will align with the university’s standard marking scales.
Assessment Criteria
Content (70% of this component)
- Knowledge/understanding
- Demonstrates understanding of taught material around formulating a brief
- The vision is well developed and supported through documentation of the process
- Individual research
- Suitable background research conducted
- Demonstrates an understanding of the subject through the data
- Use of evidence
- Decisions are evidence-based
Communication Skills (30% of this component)
- All components present
- Logical organisation/structure
- Language and technical writing skills
- Readability
- Appropriate length
- References are used appropriately
There will be no penalty if the word count is within 10% of the allocated limit. Between 10% and 25% over the limit will incur a 10 percentage-point deduction. Submissions exceeding the limit by 25% or more will not be marked, and will be given a mark of nil. The standard policy for late submission will apply.