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Resit Assessment (100%)

Visualise a data set, system, or algorithm of your choice (50%) and provide a technical report describing your work in 2000 words (50%).

Your assessment should be submitted via Tabula. This should include the visualisation and a pdf of your report. Please also provide a readme file with any relevant instructions.

Your technical report should include

  • Introduction
  • Design
  • Implementation
  • Resulting visualisation
  • Conclusion

The deadline for submission is TBC. The standard policy for late submission will apply.

Visualisation Assessment Criteria (50%)

Marks for the Visualisation will be awarded using the following criteria:

Final concept and Design (30% of this component)

  • The visualisation is intentional and well developed
  • The design demonstrates an understanding of the principles underpinning good visualisations

Technical proficiency (70% of this component)

  • Source code compiles
  • Code is consistent, clean, formatted and well documented.
  • Clearly shows where data/code has been borrowed from other sources
  • Demonstrates a level of technical skill
Technical Report Assessment Criteria (50%)

Marks for the Technical Report will be awarded using the following criteria:

Content (70% of this component)

  • Knowledge/understanding
    • Demonstrates understanding of taught material
    • Relevant application of taught material
  • Individual research
    • Suitable background research conducted
    • Demonstrates understanding of material researched
  • Depth of reflection/analysis
    • Empathises with and analyses different perspectives
    • Demonstrates critical self-awareness
    • Critical analysis of sources and perspectives
    • Critical evaluation of final visualisation
    • Evaluates sources and constructs well-reasoned balanced arguments
  • Use of evidence
    • Discussion is evidence-based

Communication Skills (30% of this component)

  • All components present
  • Logical organisation/structure
  • Language and technical writing skills
  • Readability
  • Appropriate length
  • References are used appropriately

There will be no penalty if the word count is within 10% of the allocated limit. Between 10% and 25% over the limit will incur a 10 percentage-point deduction. Submissions exceeding the limit by 25% or more will not be marked, and will be given a mark of nil.

Level of marks awarded will align with the university’s standard marking scales.