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Visualisation (50%)

For this part of the assessment, you will visualise a data set, system, or algorithm of your choice. This should be submitted by 12.00 on 8 August 2024 (via Tabula).

Please also provide a readme file with any relevant instructions.

Marks will be awarded using the following criteria. Level of marks awarded will align with the university’s standard marking scales.

Assessment Criteria

Final concept and Design (30% of this component)

  • The visualisation is intentional and well developed
  • The design demonstrates an understanding of the principles underpinning good visualisations

Technical proficiency (70% of this component)

  • Source code compiles
  • Code is consistent, clean, formatted and well documented.
  • Clearly shows where data/code has been borrowed from other sources
  • Demonstrates a level of technical skill

The standard policy for late submission will apply.