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Kindness on Campus

Congratulations to Nikki Glover, our Deputy Educational Support Services Manager, who was commended for her acts of kindness in the recent Kindness on Campus Awards.
Find out more about the awards

Tue 01 Feb 2022, 09:55 | Tags: staff

Jim Brewster Scholarship 2021

This year the Jim Brewster Scholarship has been awarded to Huidong Liu, a PhD student with Dr Steve Jackson. The scholarship is awarded to a School of Life Sciences PhD student in their second year of research, whose work relates to crop improvement. Huidong's PhD project is looking at 'Manipulation of flowering time in Carrot by gene editing'.
Find out more

Tue 01 Feb 2022, 09:53 | Tags: student, scholarship

Ancientbiotics - Dr Freya Harrison's WH Pierce Prize 2021 lecture

Freya HarrisonIn 2021 the Society for Applied Microbiology presented Dr Freya Harrison with the WH Pierce Prize, which they award annually to an academic at an early stage in their career who has already made a significant contribution to microbiology.
Watch Freya's award lecture (19 January 2022)

Tue 01 Feb 2022, 09:51 | Tags: staff, award

Global Young Scientist Summit (GYSS) 

ChitraIn January, PGR student Chitra Joshi took part in GYSS 2022 where she presented her work to a global audience and interacted with Nobel Prize winners. Chitra is studying for a PhD in 'Structural and functional characterization of the major auxin uptake carrier AUX1 protein'.

'In this annual science summit, I got an opportunity to have an informal chat with Professor Ada Yonath (Nobel Prize Winner 2009, Chemistry) which was a great inspiration and cherish-able lifetime's memory. I also had an opportunity to interact with other Nobel Prize Winners in plenary lecture and panel discussion sessions. Overall, this was a great learning experience, and I am grateful to SLS to nominate me as a potential candidate for the Summit

Find out more about GYSS

Tue 25 Jan 2022, 10:38 | Tags: student, event

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Award winners 2021

Professor Johannes Boltze and Professor Phil Young both received commendation at the inaugural Excellence in Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Awards. These awards recognise the outstanding contribution to the enhancement of equality, diversity and inclusion, and a commitment to building more inclusive environments and experiences through everyday behaviours at the University of Warwick.
Find out more

5 questions with Johannes Boltze - find out about the work and story behind his award.

Fri 03 Dec 2021, 11:49 | Tags: staff, award

Medieval remedies

Dr Freya Harrison talks to BBC Radio 4's Sideways about her research into medieval medical remedies - and how an eye remedy may prove beneficial in the 21st century.
Listen to the interview (24 November 2021)

Thu 02 Dec 2021, 16:01 | Tags: staff, interview

Get to Know Us - Dr Kate Rathbone

Kate RathboneOur ‘Get to Know Us’ web pages feature a series of Q&A with members of SLS. In November we featured a colleague who started their career in the lab and has moved to support others in their research:

Kate Rathbone, Research Strategy Development Officer.

Thu 02 Dec 2021, 15:55 | Tags: staff

Presentation winner

Emma Reilly, a third year SLS Biochemistry student, has won the best project presentation award at the British Society of Plant Pathology (BSPP) Summer Student Symposium 2021. Emma's project was entitled 'Harnessing pathogenicity mechanisms to engineer plants tolerant to heat stress' and she was supported by Professor Vardis Ntoukakis.

Thu 02 Dec 2021, 15:52 | Tags: student, research, award

Researcher studies sea-ice microbiology in the Arctic

MOSAiC ice coringDr Alison Webb studies the roles of the microbial community in production of the climate-regulating gas dimethylsulfide. Last year, Alison took part in leg 5 of the MOSAiC expedition, the largest Arctic Research Expedition ever undertaken. A documentary on the expedition was recently shown on Channel 4.
Watch the documentary (16 October 2021)
Find out more about MOSAiC

Thu 02 Dec 2021, 15:43 | Tags: research

Dr Freya Harrison wins WH Pierce Prize 2021

Freya HarrisonDr Freya Harrison has been awarded the WH Pierce Prize 2021 by the Society for Applied Microbiology for her work in translating medieval literature and medical texts to uncover ancient antimicrobial recipes.
Press release (14 October 2021)

Tue 19 Oct 2021, 12:33 | Tags: staff, press release, award

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