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The Pest Bulletin

The Pest Bulletin for outdoor vegetable and salad crops has been produced in a number of formats over the years but is currently hosted on the Warwick Crop Centre website and this year it’s sponsored by Syngenta UK, Agrii and the University of Warwick.

The Bulletin provides information on the activity of the main pests of vegetables and salads grown outdoors and includes both monitoring information and forecasts. For brassica crops there is information on cabbage root fly (regional forecasts and monitoring data from Wellesbourne), pest beetles, butterflies and moths, including diamondback moth. For carrots and related crops the focus is on carrot fly, aphids and cutworms. For lettuce, there is information on aphids, silver Y moth and information on cutworms may also be relevant. Some species affect several crops and this includes Myzus persicae, Aphis fabae, cutworms and bean seed flies.

Information is readily accessible on the web site and is updated regularly. Growers and agronomists can also sign up for a weekly email update using this link: Register for pest updates 2024 (