Rafael Martinez-Brunner
I am a first-year PhD student in the Astronomy and Astrophysics group at the University of Warwick under the supervision of Dr Dimitri Veras. My current research focuses on understanding how gas and dust in the disks around white dwarfs interact with each other and potentially with planetesimals to generate asymmetric intensity structures, changes in flux and accretion rate. We use the Phantom SPH code to study this major outstanding scientific question seeking a better understanding of planetary systems around white dwarfs.
I graduated with an MSc degree in Astronomy from the University of Chile in 2022, under the supervision of Dr Simon Casassus. My research project aimed to provide accurate 3D models that could reproduce multi-wavelength data from two remarkable protoplanetary disks, each exhibiting unique and intriguing features. Using the RADMC3D radiative transfer code, I studied in detail the circumbinary disk of V4046Sgr and the circumstellar disk around ISOOPh2 A. In both cases, we found disks with complex internal structures and with a mix of different dust populations. You can read my published article on V4046Sgr in MNRAS.
First author:
High-resolution ALMA observations of V4046 Sgr: a circumbinary disc with a thin ring
Martinez-Brunner, R., Casassus, S., Pérez, S., et al. 2022, MNRAS, 510, 1248
External irradiation as the dominant heat source in the ring of ISO-Oph 2
Casassus, S. and Martinez-Brunner, R. (In prep. 2023)
Teaching and Outreach
I have participated in outreach activities of various kinds, including working in the outreach team of the National Astronomical Observatory in Cerro Calán for a year conducting guided visits and observations, as well as talks on general astronomy. I also love teaching, and I have worked several times as a teaching assistant in undergraduate and postgraduate courses in astronomy and physics.