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Cosmic Stories Blog

This blog exists to explore conceptions and representations of science or science communication through the medium of fiction. A new blog entry is posted every two weeks. For updates follow me on Twitter @Tiylaya, mastodon, bluesky or on Facebook at

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02 Jun

Time-Travelling Historians

Looking at narratives in which historians get a little closer to their subject than might be desirable.

25 Nov 2023

Guest post: What can't you teach with Doctor Who?

A guest post on the educational applications of Doctor Who by Prof. Jan Eldridge

Tags: Doctor Who
19 Nov 2023

Adventures in Time and Space... and Science

Celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of Doctor Who

18 Dec 2022

World Ships

World ships - planets which move under the deliberate control of their inhabitants or others - are a staple of science fiction. But how plausible are representations of world ships in SF, and why are they so popular?

07 Aug 2022

The Perils of Predestination

Time travel is a wide-reaching topic in science fiction, but one recurring area of fascination is the predestination paradox - the idea that an event may only occur because of efforts to prevent it, or as a result of its own consequences.

26 Dec 2021

An Annual Treat

For the many young people who thrilled to the adventures of characters such as Dan Dare or Doctor Who, the factual information presented in Annual gift books may well have provided their first insights into the genuine science and sweeping discoveries which lay behind their idols.

14 Nov 2021

The Incredible Shrinking Man

The visual imagery of humans struggling with everyday objects many times their own size, or encountering usually benign animals as terrifying monsters, captures the imagination. Hence the popularity of the SF of miniaturisation.

03 Oct 2021

Areoforming Earth

Many science fiction stories consider the possibility of terraforming Mars - but what about the reverse: areoforming Earth?

05 Sep 2021

The Alternate History of Science

Alternate histories are one of the mainstays of science fiction. A subset of these are notable for the attention they pay to our scientific history, and how it influenced the development of modern culture.

02 May 2021

An Icon of Futures Past

Looking at Jodrell Bank's representation in science fiction and SF paratexts.

21 Feb 2021

Who's Moon (an Annual view)

My essay "Who's Moon" in "Doctor Who and Science" (eds Lindy Orthia and Marcus K Harmes) has just been published. Here I explore in a little more depth two articles which present aspects of the Moon and its exploration to the avid young readers of the 1979 and 1980 Doctor Who annuals.

This blog exists to explore conceptions and representations of science or science communication through the medium of fiction. This includes, but is not limited to, science fiction in literature, film and television, as well as other adventure fiction and their various paratexts. I decided to create this space as a forum in which to present my own views and activities in this area, which are - inevitably - presented from the point of view of an active research astrophysicist, rather than a literary theorist or specialist in communications or media. Nonetheless, I choose to make these thoughts public in case they provide entertainment or interest to others, and in the hope of stimulating conversations in the interface between the realities of our Universe and the ways in which we choose to represent and explore it in fiction. A new blog entry is posted every two weeks. For updates follow me on Twitter @Tiylaya, or on Facebook at

Comments are very welcome, including those disagreeing with my views or conclusions, but should be phrased respectfully and will be moderated before posting.

The views and ideas expressed in this blog are my own and do not in any way represent the views of the University of Warwick.