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Index of Works

625Y (radio, Daly) 11
2000 Plus (radio) 70, 77
2001: A Space Odyssey (Clarke, Film) 33, 45, 67, 75
2010: The Year we Made Contact (Clarke, Film) 65
3001: The Final Odyssey (Clarke) 61, 68
20 Million Miles to Earth (Film) 69
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea (Verne) 73


A for Andromeda (TV, Hoyle) 7, 65, 79
A Certain Reverance (Lam) 79
Adam and No Eve (Bester) 33
Adventure Game, The (TV) 57
A Fall of Moondust (Clarke) 90
A Grand Day Out (TV) 90
Akira (anime) 81
Alchemy (de Courcey) 51
All Clear (Willis) 88
All Laced Up (Whitley) 85
Also People, The (Aaronovitch) 61
Amazing Science Fiction (Magazine) 60, 72, 78
Ambulance Ship (White) 76
Amtor (book series, Burroughs) 75, 77
Analog (magazine) 82, 83, 84
Anarch Lords, The (Chandler) 86
Andromeda Strain, The (film, Crichton) 76
Animatrix, The (Film) 54
Another Earth (Film) 70
Antigeos Trilogy (Capon) 70, C
Appointment in Tomorrow (Leiber) 43, 60
A Spectre is Haunting Texas (Leiber) 80
A Step Further Out (Pournelle) 78
Asimov's Science Fiction (magazine) 78, 82, 85
Astounding Science Fiction 28, 40, 60, 62, 71, 83, 84, 87
Astronauts, The (Lem) 78
Astrosaurs (Cole) 69
At the Bottom of a Hole (Niven) 35
Atom Bomb Blues (Cartmell) 60
Atom Drive (Fontenay) 68
Atomic Submarine (Mars) 73
Attack of the Killer Tomatoes (film) 71
Avatar (Film) 46, 69
Avengers, The (TV) 8, 9, 12, 48, 64, 71, 78


Babylon 5 (TV) 14, 28, 33, 37, 39, 56, 59, 61, 63, 67, 72, 81
Barnacle Bull (Anderson) 44, 83
Barsoom (book series, Burroughs) 24, 44, 75, 68, 77, 82
Barsoom Project, The (Niven & Barnes) 75
Battle of the Planets (TV) 56, 82
Battle Royale (film) 57
Battlestar Galactica (TV) 2, 14, 15, 33, 64, 66, 72
Battle Station (Bova) 81
Beast of Space, The (Hardart) 83
Becalmed in Hell (Niven) 78
Before Eden (Clarke) 76, 78
Before I Wake (Robinson) 56
Berlin Project, The (Benford) 60
Bernice Summerfield series (Audio, novels) 19, 42
Beserker series (Saberhagen) 33, 62
Big Rain, The (Anderson) 78
Bill and Ted (Films) 88
Black Cloud, The (Hoyle) 56, 65
Blackout (Willis) 88
Bladerunner (film) 66
Blake's Seven (TV) 26, 48, 56, 58, 82
Blast off at Woomera (Walters) 86
Blonde from Barsoom, The (Young) 75
Blood of the Moon (Cummings) 90
Blueheart (Sinclair) 29
Blue Mars (Robinson) 68
Boneland (Garner) 65
Bowl of Heaven (Benford & Niven) 61, 69
Boys Book of Astronomy, The (Hawks) 77
Boys from Brazil, The (film, 1978) 64
Brain Wave (Anderson) 56
Brave New World (Huxley) 58
Buck Rogers (Comics, TV) 25, 58
By His Bootstraps (Heinlein) 40


Calls from Far Away (Soper, radio) 62
Call of Duty (game) 81
Calvin and Hobbes (Watterson) 69
Canticle for Leibowitz, A (Miller) 14
Captain Scarlet and the Mysterons (TV) 47, 48, 81, 90
Category Inventors, The (Sellings) 54
Caves of Steel (Asimov) 54
Chase of the Golden Meteor (Verne) 89
Champions, The (TV) 64, 73
Childhood's End (Clarke) 59
Children of the Atom (Shiraz) 59
Chocky (Wyndham) 59
Choice of Catastrophes, A (Asimov) 50
Chronicles of St Marys (Taylor) 15, 88
Chrysalids, The (Wyndham) 14, 58, 59
Cities in Flight (Blish) 32, 61
Cities of Venus (game) 78
City Beneath the Sea (TV) 80
City on the Moon (Leinster) 90
City Under the Sea (Bulmer) 29
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (Film) 48
Coffin Cure, The (Nourse) 37
Cold War (Neville) 81
Columbus of Space, A (Serviss) 77
Comet, The Cairn and the Capsule, The (Lunan) 31
Comet Halley (Hoyle) 65
Coming Race, The (Bulwer-Lytton) 80
Commando Cody (Film serial) 25
Conqueror's Isle 59
Contact (film, Sagan) 65
Core, The (Film) 46, 80
Coronet Magazine 69
Corpse Marker (Boucher) 54
Cosmic Connection, The (Sagan) 75
Cosmic Express (Williamson) 77
Cosmos (Sagan) 75
Counterpoint (Wright) 90
Coventry (Heinlein) 28
Crack in the World (Film) 80
Cubeworld (Gross) 82
Cully (Egan) 77
Currents of Space, The (Asimov) 56


Dan Dare (comic, audio) 4, 6, 13, 23, 25, 27, 36, 44, 46, 47, 67, 77, 78, 79, 86, 89
Dark Forest, The (Liu) 62
Dark Side of the Sun, The (Pratchett) 50, 63, 83
Darwin Elevator, The (Hough) 68
Day of the Triffids (Wyndham) 71
Deadline (Cartmill) 60
Deadly Litter (White) 45
Dead Past, The (Asimov) 88
Death of a Neutron Star (Kotani) 87
Deep Range, The (Clarke) 73
Der Scweigende Stern (Film) 78
Destination Mars (Walters) 78
Destination Moon (Tintin, Herge) 67
Devolutionist, The (Flint) 82
Devourer (Liu) 61
Diamond Age, The (Stephenson) 85
Diamonds are Forever (film) 81
Die Another Day (film) 81
Dimension X (Radio) 54, 55, 62, 63, 70
Dinosaucers (TV) 69, 70
Dinosaur Planet (McCaffrey) 69
Dinosaurs in Space (TV) 69
Dire Earth Trilogy (Hough) 68
Discovery of Morniel Mathaway, The (Tenn) 88
Discworld (book series, Pratchett) 42, 63, 68, 83
Doctor Who (TV, spin-offs)
— Classic (1963-1989) 1, 2, 3, 6, 13, 15, 17, 20, 22, 23, 29, 33, 38, 44, 48, 50, 52, 54, 56, 57, 58, 60, 65, 66, 70, 71, 73, 74, 76, 80, 83, 86, 87, 88
— Modern (2005 - ) 1, 2, 3, 15, 17, 20, 23, 38, 40, 57, 58, 62, 67, 69, 71, 73, 74, 80, 83, 85
— Novels 15, 54, 60, 64, 65, 73
— Others 2, 6, 50, 74, 75, 78, 88
Domes of Mars (Moore) 86
Doomsday Book (Willis) 88
Doomwatch (TV) 60, 74
Doppleganger (Film) 70
Dorsai! (Dickson) 84
Double Dare (Silverberg) 26
Down to Earth (Capon) 65, 70
Dragon's Egg (Forward) 65, 87
Dr Grimshaw's Sanatorium (Pratt) 20
Dune (Herbert) 51, 61, 72, 85


Earthlight (Clarke) 90
Earthsearch (Radio) 22, 50, 72
Echo-X (Barzman) 70
Edison's Conquest of Mars (Serviss) 25, 77
Emancipatrix, The (Flint) 82
Eric (Pratchett) 63
Escape (Radio) 55, 59
Euphio Question, The (Vonnegut) 65
Eureka, A Town Called (TV) 12, 47, 52
Evitable Conflict, The (Asimov) 54
Expanse, The (Corey, TV) 39, 61, 63, 67, 76, 78, 90
Expedition Venus (Walters) 76
Exploration of Space, The (Clarke) 72
Explorers on the Moon (Tintin, Herge) 89, 90
Exploring Tomorrow (radio) 62
Extraterrestrial Civilisations (Asimov) 50


Far (Jones) 79
Farewell Fantastic Venus (Aldiss, Harrison) 77
Farscape (TV) 71
Farthest Star, The 61
Fifth Planet, The (Hoyle, Hoyle) 65
Fire Time (Anderson) 16
Fireball XL5 (TV, comic) 65
Firebird Rocket, The (Dixon) 86
Firefly (TV) 33, 66
Fire Watch (Willis) 88
First and Last Men, The (Stapledon) 32, 58, 77
Firstborn (Clarke & Baxter) 68, 75, 76
First Contact (Leinster) 56, 62
First Spaceship on Venus (Film) 78
Flash Gordon (Film) 25
Flatland (Abbott) 42
Fleet of Worlds (Niven) 50
Flight of the Dragonfly (Forward) 82
Flux (Baxter) 87
For All Mankind (TV) 64
Forbidden Planet (film, 1956) 63, 66, 72
Forerunner Foray (Norton) 63
Forge of God (Bear) 62
For the Love of Pete (Kapp) 67
Foundation series (Asimov) 14, 32, 33, 47, 84
Foundling on Venus (de Courcey) 77
Fountains of Paradise, The (Clarke) 61, 68
Frankenstein (Shelley) 66
Frau im Mond (film) 89
From World to World (Stump) 70


Galactica 1980 (see Battlestar Galactica)
Galaxy Quest (film) 83
Galaxy Science Fiction (magazine) 26, 37, 43, 61, 62, 63, 65, 72, 78
Garden in the Void (Anderson) 44
Gateway (Pohl) 27, 63, 72
Genesis (Piper) 55
Geostorm (Film) 48
Ghost Wars (Baxter) 87
Gods Themselves, The (Asimov) 42, 52
GoldenEye (film, 1995) 65
Goldilocks Zone, The (radio, Gupta) 65
Gor 70
Gravity (Film) 45
Green Lantern, The 69
Green Mars (Robinson) 68
Green Thing, The (2000 plus, radio) 77
Growing Up Weightless (Ford) 90
Guardians of the Galaxy (comic, film) 71


Halo (game) 61, 68
Hampdenshire Wonder, The 59
Helliconia (Aldiss) 16, 32
Hell Ship (Burks) 79
High Frontier, The (O'Neill) 39
Hills of Home, The (Coppel) 75
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Adams) 19, 35, 61
Holiday on the Moon (Clarke, Willis) 90
Homegoing (Pohl) 45
Homesick (Venable) 76
Hothouse (Aldiss) 58
Hot Pursuit (Ford) 87
Hunger Games (Collins) 57
Hyperion Cantos (Simmons) 33


Idiocracy (Film) 58
Inconstant Moon (Niven) 38
Incredibles, The (film) 85
In Hiding (Shiraz) 59
Inner House, The (Besant) 13
Innovators, The (Pohl) 75
Integral Trees, The (Niven) 87
Interstellar (Film) 39, 67
In the Abyss (Wells) 73
In the Bowl (Varley) 78
Into Deepest Space (Hoyle) 56
Intruder, The (Muirden) 79
Inverted World (Priest) 42, 61
Iron Chancellor, The (Silverberg) 54
Iron Sky (film, 2012) 64
Iron Star, The (Silverberg) 87
Island of Doctor Moreau, The (Wells) 66
It's a Small Solar System (Howard) 75


James Bond (Fleming, films) 64, 81
Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors (TV) 71
Jetsons, The (TV) 12, 47, 90
John Carter (film) 75
Journey Into Space (radio, Chilton) 25, 67, 72, 75, 86, 89
Journey to Mars (Pope) 69
Journey to the Centre of the Earth (Verne, film) 79, 80
Journey to Venus (Pope) 69
Judgement Day (Haldeman) 35
Just One Damn Thing After Another (Taylor) 88
Just William (Crompton) 89


Kagaku Kyūjo Tai Tekunoboijā (TV)
— see Thunderbirds 2086
K-factor, The (Harrison) 84
Kings of Space (Johns) 5, 44, 69, 77, 79
Kraken Wakes, The (Wyndham) 17


Lagrange Five (Reynolds) 39
Lagrangists, The (Reynolds) 45
Land of the Giants (TV) 20, 88
Last Question, The (Asimov) 32
League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The (Moore) 73
Le Planet Sauvage (Film) 20
Lensman series (Smith) 32, 42, 50, 75
Lest I Forget Thee, Oh Earth (Clarke) 90
Lexx (TV) 70
Life (film) 76
Life, The Universe and Everything (Adams) 40, 56
Lifecloud (Hoyle) 56
Life on Other Worlds (Jones) 77
Light Verse (Asimov) 53
Limiting Factor, The (Coswell) 59
Listeners, The (Gunn) 65
Listening Glass (Latner) 65
Little Black Bag (Kornbluth) 58
Long Earth, The (Pratchett & Baxter) 38, 59
Long Ellipse, The (Malcolm) 86
Long Mars, The (Pratchett & Baxter) 68
Lords of Creation (Sullivan) 69
Lost Explorer (Bryning) 86
Lost in Space (TV) 71, 72
Lost Planet, The (McVicar) 79
Lost Race, The (Leinster) 63
Lotus Eathers, The (Weinbaum) 71
Lucky Starr (Asimov) 25, 77
Lumenfabulator (Yang) 83
Lungfish (Brunner) 22


Machine Stops, The (Forster) 12, 54
Man from UNCLE, The (TV, spin-off) 64, 81
Man in the High Castle, The (Dick) 64
Man in the Moon (film) 86
Man in the White Suit, The (film) 85
Man of the Year Million (Wells) 59
Man who Sold the Moon, The (Heinlein) 19
Man with Six Senses, The (Jaeger) 59
Manhattan Projects, The (Hickman & Pitarra) 60
Map Makers, The (Pohl) 72
Marching Morons, The (Kornbluth) 58
Marooned off Vesta (Asimov) 44
Marrow (Reid) 26, 61
Mars and the Mind of Man 75
Mars is Heaven (Bradbury) 55
Mars Trilogy (Robinson) 68, 80
Martian, The (Weir) 24, 47, 51, 53
Martian Chronicles, The (Bradbury) 51, 55, 75
Martian Fever (Novakova) 76
Martian Odyssey, A (Weinbaum) 24, 51, 83
Matrix, The (Film) 54
Med Series (Leinster) 76
Memorial (Sturgeon) 47, 60
Message, The (Asimov) 88
Methusaleh's Children (Heinlein) 11
Mettle at Woomera (Macnell) 86
Midas Plague, The 54
Mightiest Machine, The (Campbell) 50
Ministry of Space (Comic) 6
Misfit (Heinlein) 85
Mission of Gravity (Clement) 82
Missions (TV) 55
Mission to Mars (Moore) 86
Mohole Mystery, The (Walters) 80
Monkey Wrench (Dickson) 48
Moon (film) 90
Moonbow (Boyd) 82
Moon is a Harsh Mistress, The (Heinlein) 19, 90
Moonfall (Film, 2022) 61, 63
Moonraker (film, 1979) 64, 81
Moon Rocket (Wilcox) 89
Moonwinners, The (Muirden) 64, 86
Monolith Monster, The (film) 83
More Than Human (Sturgeon) 59
Mountain (Liu) 42
Mountain Movers, The (Chandler) 86
Moving Mars (Bear) 50, 51
Mr Smith Goes to Venus 69
Mr Tompkins (Gamow) 42
Mutant-X (TV) 59
Mysterious Island (Verne) 73


Naked Sun, The (Asimov) 54
Native Problem, The (Scheckley) 22
Native Soil, The (Nourse) 77
Neuromancer (Gibson) 61
Neutronium Alchemist, The (Hamilton) 46
Neutron Star (Niven) 87
Neutron Tide (Clarke) 87
New Avengers, The 64
New Reality, The (Harkness) 42
New Worlds (magazine) 65
Nightfall (Asimov) 14, 16, 89
Nimisha's Ship (McCaffrey) 19
Nothing So Strange (Hilton) 60
Number of the Beast (Heinlein) 75


Oath of Fealty (Niven & Pournelle) 61
Odd John (Stapledon) 59
Oh! You Pretty Things (Bowie) 59
Old Venus (Martin, Dubois) 78
Omnilingual (Piper) 21
Opening Doors (Shiraz) 59
Operation in Free Space (Bryning) 86
Ophiuchi Hotline, The (Varley) 35, 46, 65, 71
Oppenheimer Alternative, The (Sawyer) 60
Orbiter X (radio) 13, 86
Orbit One Zero (radio) 79
Orbitsville (Shaw) 61, 63
Other Half of the Planet, The (Capon) 70, C
Other Side of the Sun, The (Capon) 70, C
Our Friend the Atom 47, 73
Out of Orbit (Wilkinson) 53
Out of the Unknown (TV) 54, 88
Out of this World (Barzman) 70
Oxford Time Travel (Willis) 28, 88
Oz (book series, Baum) 75


Pail of Air, A (Lieber) 30
Paratime (Piper) 55
Pariah Planet (Leinster) 76
Pasquale's Angel (McAuley) 15
Pathfinders to Space, Mars, Venus (TV) 69, 74, 77, 78, 79
Pellucidar (book series, Burroughs) 75
Perelandra (Lewis) 77
Personal Touth, The (Mapes) 85
Phantom of Kansas, The (Varley) 48
Pictures Dont Lie (Maclean) 65
Pirates of Venus (Burroughs) 77
Place of the Throwing Stick (Bryning) 86
Planeta Bur (Film) 69, 77
Planetes (manga, TV) 45, 53
Planet of Dinosaurs (Film) 69
Planet of No Return (Anderson) 84
Planetoid 127 (Wallace) 70
Planets for Sale (Hunt & van Vogt) 19
Poison Belt, The (Doyle) 56
Present Day Astronomy (Sullivan) 77
Princess of Mars, A (Burroughs) 75
Prize of Peril, The (Scheckley) 57
Professional Approach, The (Lockhard) 85
Profiles of the Future (Clarke) 26
Prometheus (film) 63
Prospector's Special (Scheckley) 77
Protector (Niven) 82
Proxima Centauri (Leinster) 71
Psychotechnic League (Anderson) 84
Pursuit of the Pankera, The (Heinlein) 75


QRM – Interplanetary (Smith) 77
Quantum Leap (TV) 88
Quatermass (TV) 65, 71, 76
Quatermass and the Pit (TV) 55
Question of Comfort (Collins) 77
Quiet Invasion, The (Zettel) 78
Quintaglio Ascension Trilogy (Sawyer) 69


Raft (Baxter) 42
Rainbow Mars (Niven) 68
Ratner's Star (deLilo) 80
Red Dwarf (TV) 33, 38, 50, 66, 69, 72
Redemption Ark (Reynolds) 46, 62, 67
Red Mars (Robinson) 68, 80
Red Moon (radio, 2019) 64
Red Sun Also Rises, A (Hodder) 16
Rendezvous with Rama (Clarke) 31, 39, 61, 67
Repairman, The (Harrison) 72
Revelation Space (Reynolds) 27, 32, 33, 46, 61, 63
Revenger (Reynolds) 26, 63
Revolution Trilogy (Saulter) 29
Ricardo's Virus (Tenn) 77
Riding the White Bull (Kiernan) 76
Ringworld (Niven) 50, 61, 63, 82
Roadside Picnic (Strugatsky) 26, 33
Robots series (Asimov) 33
Robot's Twilight Companion, The (Daniel) 80
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (Film) 24, 51
Rochworld (Forward) 82
Rocket Ship Galileo (Heinlein) 52, 60, 64, 89
Rockets Galore! 79
Rocket to the Moon (Peril) 79
Rockets in Ursa Major (Hoyle) 56
Rolling Stones, The (Heinlein) 90
Runaround (Asimov) 54
Runaway Rocket (Gregory) 86
Running Man, The (Film) 57
R.U.R. (C̆apek) 54, 66


Sam, this is you (Leinster) 40
Sands of Mars, The (Clarke) 51
Sapphire and Steel (TV) 88
Satellite 7 (McVicar) 79 Saturn's Children (Stross) 78
Say Goodbye to the Wind (Ballard) 85
Scarlet Traces (Comic) 26, 44
Science Fictional Solar System, The (Asimov) 31, 44, 48
Science of Discworld, The (Pratchett, Stuart, Cohen) 68
Science Rescue Team Technoboyager (TV) 61
Scotland in Space (Scott, Malpas) 79
SeaQuest DSV (TV) 73
Second Experiment, The (Jeppson) 69
Secret Beneath the Sea (TV) 80
Sector General (White) 61, 67, 69, 71, 76
Sensitive Man, The (Anderson) 84
Sentenced to Prism (Foster) 83
Serenity (film) (see Firefly)
Seven Days to Noon (Film) 60
SevenEves (Stephenson) 22, 29, 61, 67
Shipstar (Benford & Niven) 61, 62, 69
Ship Who Sang, The (McCaffrey) 76
Sickness, The (Tenn) 76
Silent Star, The (Film) 78
Sky People, The (Stirling) 69, 78
Sky Road, The (MacLeod) 79, 81
Slave Ship (Pohl) 73
Smoke Ring, The (Niven) 87
Snowball Effect, The (McLean) 84
Slaver Weapon, The (Niven) 63
Solution Unsatisfactory (Heinlein) 60, 89
Songs of Distant Earth (Clarke) 38, 68
Space Cadet (Heinlein) 81
Space Family Stone (Heinlein) 90
Space Force (radio, Chilton) 21, 44, 65
Space Intruder (Muirden) 86
Space Kingsley (book) 23, 25
Space Sweepers (Film) 45
Space:1999 (TV) 30, 70, 90
Space: Above and Beyond (TV) 66
Star, Bright (Clifton) 59
Star Loot (Chandler) 86
Starquake (Forward) 87
Star Trek (TV, spin-offs) 3, 46, 67, 85
— Original Series 3, 18, 21, 22, 27, 30, 33, 35, 51, 53, 56, 61, 64, 66, 69, 79, 81, 83, 88
— Animated Series 51, 56, 63, 71, 85
— The Next Generation 18, 21, 27, 56, 61, 63, 83, 87, 88
— Deep Space Nine 3, 30, 37, 48, 61, 78, 81
— Voyager 18, 30, 37, 56, 68, 69, 72, 87
— Enterprise 21, 30, 37, 51, 64, 83
— Other 28, 68, 72, 78, 83
Star Wars (Film series) 3, 27, 38, 44, 51, 61, 72, 78, 83, 87
Star, The (Clarke) 38, 49
Starfield (Lunan) 79
Stargate (Film, TV) 22, 26, 33, 38, 47, 52, 53, 63, 66, 76, 83
Starmaker (Stapledon) 61, 82
Stars my Destination, The (Bester) 18
Startide Rising (Brin) 46
Stingray (TV) 73
Stranger from Venus (film) 77
Subterfuge (Maine) 86
Sultan of the Clouds, The (Landis) 78, 85
Sundiver (Brin) 68
Sunjammer (Clarke) 53
Sunstorm (Clarke & Baxter) 61, 63, 68, 76
Superman (Comic) 38, 70, 82
Supernova (Allen & Totani) 38
Supernova Era, The (Liu) 38
Surface Tension (Blish) 20
Survey Ship (Bradley) 53
Survey Team (Dick) 55


Takeover Bid (Baxter) 86
Tales of Known Space (Niven) 50, 87
Talking Stone, The (Asimov) 83
Target Luna (TV) 79
Tas and the Postal Rocket (Elliott) 86
Tas and the Space Machine (Elliott) 86
Tau Zero (Anderson) 32, 67
Telempath (Robinson) 37
Tenth Planet, The (Cooper) 86
Terminator, The (Film) 40, 66
Terraforming Mars (game) 17, 78, 80
Terror Beneath the Sea (Film) 29
Terror by Satellite (Walters) 81
Themis Files, The (Neuvel) 26
There will come soft rains (Bradbury) 47
They shall have stars (Blish) 61
Thing from Another World, The (film) 71, 76
Things to Come (Wells) 13
This Perfect Day (Levin) 48
This World is Taboo (Leinster) 76
Thor (Comic) 33, 46
Three Body Problem, The (Liu) 62, 65
Threshold (TV series) 87
Thunderbirds (TV, Film) 2, 12, 44, 45, 47, 52, 61, 67, 73, 78, 82, 83, 85
Thunderbirds Are Go (TV) 34, 44, 45, 53, 67, 68, 73, 76, 81
Thunderbirds 2086 39, 61, 73
Thundercats (TV) 70
Time (Baxter) 90
Time for the Stars (Heinlein) 22
Time Machine, The (Wells) 32, 58, 81
Time Odyssey Trilogy (Clarke, Baxter) 68,76
Timeslip (TV) 10
Time Tunnel, The (TV) 88
Tintin, The Adventures of (comic) 67, 89, 90
To be Taught if Fortunate (Chambers) 76
To Build a World (Anderson) 78
To Climb a Square Mountain (Nordley) 82
To Say Nothing of the Dog (Willis) 28, 88
Tom Swift (Appleton) 39, 47, 52, 53, 67, 73, 80
Tomorrow People, The (TV) 15, 18, 33, 48, 59, 61, 64, 81
Tomorrowland (Film) 40
Tomorrow Town (Newman) 85
Transformers (Toys, TV, Film) 21, 48, 66
Travel by Wire (Clarke) 18
Tripods, The (Christopher) 17
Troubled Star (Smith) 72
Trouble with Lichen (Wyndham) 11
Truman Show, The (film) 57
TV Century 21 (comic) 23, 25, 47, 78, 82, 90
Twelve Monkeys (Film) 40
Twilight Zone, The 49
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star (Barzman) 70


UFO (TV) 45, 73
Umbrella in the Sky (Tubb) 61
Uncle Albert (Stannard) 42
Universe (Heinlein) 22
Un-Man, The (Anderson) 84
Uplift Saga (Brin) 63, 66
Uranie (Flammarion) 55


Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (Film) 61
Válerian et Laureline (comics) 61
Velvet Glove, The (Harrison) 77
Venus Equilateral (Smith) 77
Venus Hate (McGreevey) 77
Venus Trilogy (Sargent) 78
Venus Wars (anime, manga) 78
Voice of the Dolphins, The (Szillard) 60
Voyage that Lasted 600 Years, The (Wilcox) 22
Voyage to Mars (Moore) 86
Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea (Film, TV) 71, 73, 76, 80, 83
Voyage to the Prehistoric Planet (Film) 69, 77
Voyage to the Planet of Prehistoric Women (Film) 69, 77
V-S Day (Steele) 60, 64


Wallace and Gromit (TV) 90
Wall-E (Film) 22, 54
Wandering Earth, The (Liu) 30, 38, 50
War of the Worlds, The (Wells) 17, 26, 76
Warhammer 40,000 (game) 68
Waterclap (Asimov) 73
Weather Man, The (Thomas) 48
Weather on the Sun, The (Thomas) 48
Weather War (Leokum) 48
Web Between the Worlds, The (Sheffield) 68
Welcome to Planet Alba (Goldschmidt) 79
Wheel in Space (Moore) 79
When Science Writes the Fiction (Forward) 87
When the Earth Died (Mannheim) 13
When the Moon Died (Savage) 13
When the World Screamed (Doyle) 80
When Worlds Collide (Wylie) 30, 89
Whirligig World (Clement) 82
Who Goes There? (Campbell) 71, 76
Wind from the Sun, The (Clarke) 53
With Folded Hands (Williamson) 54
World Set Free, The (Wells) 47, 60
Worlds of If (magazine) 68, 73
Wormwood Trilogy (Thompson) 17, 76


X-Men (comic, TV, film) 59
X-Minus-One (Radio) 12, 16, 20, 22, 26, 37, 40, 43, 54, 55, 59, 62, 65, 70, 72, 84, 88
Xeelee series (Baxter) 33, 42


Year of the Cloud, The (Thomas) 56
Year of the Sex Olympics (TV) 57


Zero-X (comic) 82