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CH959 Advanced Researcher

Module summary

The core of the Certificate and Award is the Advanced Researcher module. Accumulate CAT points from the detailed tasks. 1 CAT point is accumulated for each task, and some of the tasks may be extended for a total of 2 CAT points. 30 CATS are needed for the Certificate and 20 CATS are needed for the Award.


The core of the Certificate and Award is the Advanced Researcher module. Accumulate CAT points from the tasks below. 1 CAT point is accumulated for each task, and some of the tasks may be extended for a total of 2 CAT points. 30 CATS are needed for the Certificate and 20 CATS are needed for the Award.

Begin immediately by downloading the module information and the task sheets from the list below.

Log each item as you complete it using the log sheet found in the module information. You will need to sign tasks off with your mentor or supervisor and file evidence in your portfolio, using the task sheet as a cover sheet for each item.

If you like to know how these tasks relate to the Vitae researcher development framework. Options are:

A. Knowledge and intellectual abilities: The knowledge, intellectual abilities and techniques to do research.

B. Personal effectiveness: The personal qualities and approach to be an effective researcher.

C. Research governance and organisation: The knowledge of the standards, requirements and professionalism to do research.

D. Engagement, influence and impact: The knowledge and skills to work with others and ensure the wider impact of research


Task name

CATS points

1 Literature review (A) 1 or 2
2 Research plan (B) 1
3 Mini reports (D) 1
4 Attend a conference (D) 1 or 2
5 Conference presentation (D) 1 or 2
6 Research seminar (D) 1
7 Undertake Poster Marking/Presentation (A) 1
8 Review a paper (A) 1
9 Review a grant (A) 1
10 Write a paper (A) 1
11 Propose and manage a budget (C) 1
12 Organising a conference or workshop (D) 1 or 2
13 Visit another laboratory (D) 1 or 2
14 Host a visiting researcher (C) 1 or 2
15 Supervise a project student (C) 1 or 2
16 Write a research proposal (C) 1 or 2
17 Chair a meeting or committee including establishing agenda and follow-up (D)
1 or 2
18 Public engagement in science activity (D) 1 or 2
19 CV/Applications (B) 1
20 Teaching (B) 1 or 2
21 Play a role in a national society (D) 1 or 2
22 Pathways to impact plan (D) 1
23 Optional Task 1 (B) 1
24 Optional Task 2 (B) 1