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Disconnection in the education-training-work-continuum
Dr Jamelia Harris published an article as part of the NORRAG Special Issue NSI 08 : The Education-Training-Work Continuums: Pathways to SocioProfessional Inclusion for Youth and Adults.
The Special Issue is part of a collaboration with the ILO and focuses on the discontinuities that currently exist between education, training and decent work, arguing that existing discontinuities between these three fields create and reinforce exclusions and inequalities for already marginalised groups.
Jamelia's article reflects on how aid interventions in post-war Sierra Leone likely contribute to discontinuities in the education–training–work continuum. Though interventions are all well-intended, design and implementation shortcomings often contribute to graduates and trainees being underemployed, informally employed, or unemployed. A multi-stakeholder approach which includes the formal private sector is needed.
Jamelia presented the findings as part of the official Special Issue Launch in June.