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Presentation at the RSS Annual Conference

Gianni Anelli LopezLink opens in a new window, PhD student at IER, gave a talk at the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) Annual Conference in Harrogate in early September on 'Extracting skills in online job advertisements: using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools on labour skills assessment'.

Thu 05 Oct 2023, 14:09 | Tags: labour market, skills

Observing World Youth Skills Day: Reflections from research in Sierra Leone - Blog by Jamelia Harris

World Youth Skills Day recognises the strategic importance of providing young people around the world with the necessary skills for employment, decent work and entrepreneurship. July 15th was first declared World Youth Skills Day by the United Nations General Assembly in 2014 and has been celebrated each year since. This year, the theme centres on “Skilling teachers, trainers and youth for a transformative future.”

Thu 13 Jul 2023, 09:00 | Tags: young people blog skills

Event: Deep diving into skill shortages - What can we learn from Cedefop's 2023 skills forecast?

The event features presentations on Cedefop's future shortage indicator, drivers of recruitment difficulties and skill shortages in Canada.

IER’s skills expert Terence Hogarth will be a panelist, discussing policy responses to shortages along with fellow panelists Ben Kriechel (Economix), Sylvain Renouvel (Federation of European Social Employers) and Tuscany Bell (European Federation of Public Service Unions).

The online event will take place on 22 June 14.00 - 15.30 hours UK time. For further details and registration please visit the Cedefop website.

Thu 22 Jun 2023, 08:50 | Tags: skills

New IER project starts on digital and green skills for Industry 5.0

In January, IER’s new collaborative project ‘Bridges 5.0’ kicked off with a launch in Brussels attended by officials from the European Commission. The project seeks to identify the digital and green skills needed to support Industry 5.0 and then develop training pathways for companies to acquire these skills. The project is led by TNO in the Netherlands and involves 21 partners including high profile companies as well as other universities and, within Warwick, Warwick Manufacturing Group. For further details contact Chris Warhurst:

Mon 30 Jan 2023, 09:37 | Tags: green industry, Europe, skills, digitalisation

Terence Hogarth, IER’s skills expert, presents at international events

Terence Hogarth made presentations on the role of employers skills surveys to the International Training Centre of the International Labour Organization (ITCILO) training course on 2nd December and on ‘Delivering VET – The Way Forward’ at Cedefop’s Future of VET conference on 6th December.

Wed 21 Dec 2022, 11:19 | Tags: VET, skills

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