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Chat-GPT and the UK Labour Market: A Year in Review - Blog by Dr Jeisson Cardenas-Rubio and Gianni Anelli-Lopez

A new LMI for All blog by Dr Jeisson Cardenas-RubioLink opens in a new window and Gianni Anelli-LopezLink opens in a new window on Chat-GPT and the UK Labour Market: A Year in Review extends on the analysis of their previous blog to show how things have developed over the past six months, incorporating fresh insights with data up to December 2023.

Fri 07 Jun 2024, 10:30 | Tags: artificial intelligence blog labour market LMI for all news

Call for abstracts: Conference on The International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation

The 42nd International Working Party on Labour Market Segmentation (IWPLMS) conference aims to explore the challenges and opportunities arising from transformations in the world of work with a specific focus on the multifaceted dimensions of labour market segmentation.

The conference will take place at Copenhagen Business School on September 5-6, 2024, with IER’s Professor Trine Larsen being one of the local organisers. Abstract submission deadline is March 15, 2024. For more information please visit the conference website.

Wed 21 Feb 2024, 10:00 | Tags: events, labour market, news

Assessment of work skills is essential for today’s labour market

Gianni Anelli’s research article 'But which skills? : Natural Language Processing tools and the identification of high-demand skills in online job advertisements' discusses the relevance of data from online job portals. Using two skills dictionaries, the ESCO dictionary and a national labour market dictionary, this study extracted required skills from Chilean online job advertisements.

Fri 15 Dec 2023, 12:25 | Tags: labour market, skills

Presentation at the RSS Annual Conference

Gianni Anelli LopezLink opens in a new window, PhD student at IER, gave a talk at the Royal Statistical Society (RSS) Annual Conference in Harrogate in early September on 'Extracting skills in online job advertisements: using Natural Language Processing (NLP) tools on labour skills assessment'.

Thu 05 Oct 2023, 14:09 | Tags: labour market, skills

How can skill systems in Europe reduce the level of skills mismatch in labour markets?

IER's Professor Terence Hogarth has successfully secured Horizon Europe funding for his project Skills2Capability. The project is about understanding how skill systems across Europe can reduce the level of skills mismatch in their labour markets.

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