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Jenny Bimrose on 'Career Guidance for Lifelong Learning' at Canterbury Christ Church

To mark 10 years since the merger of the College of Guidance Studies with Canterbury Christ Church University and the creation of the Centre for Career and Personal Development, Jenny will give a public lecture drawing on findings from three research studies (one ongoing and two recent), in national, European and International contexts.
Wed 09 Jun 2010, 13:30 | Tags: Expertise, learning, careers, development

IER seminar 'Older Women's Work and Learning Pathways'

IER hosted a seminar on 25 May entitled 'Older Women's Work and Learning Pathways: transition and adaptability'. Professor Jenny  Bimrose and two IER Associate Fellows, Professor Mark Watson from the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University in South Africa and Dr Mary McMahon from The University of Brisbane in Australia co-presented. The seminar presented initial findings from international, ongoing research in the UK, South Africa, Australia and Italy into the career trajectories of older women and the careers support they have experienced (or would like to have experienced) throughout their life-course. 


Tue 25 May 2010, 10:10 | Tags: career choices, careers

Report on the skills needed by Connexions Personal Advisers to develop internet-based guidance available

Jenny Bimrose, Sally-Anne Barnes and Graham Attwell have just completed a project funded by CfBT Education Trust investigating the demand from young people for internet-based guidance, together with the readiness of Connexions services to deliver. The full report and an executive summary are now available to download from the CfBT website.
Tue 18 May 2010, 10:12 | Tags: learning, careers, skills, technology

IER and Connexions Kent received Careers Award at ICG

IER in partnership with Connexions Kent & Medway won the award for ‘research by an organisation’ at the National Career Awards 2009 held in Blackpool.  The event was organised by the Institute of Careers Guidance. The award was in recognition of the innovative research carried out by IER across Kent on careers education, information, advice and guidance delivered in local schools and colleges.  The research findings identified the important role that high quality labour market information plays in helping young people make informed and realistic decisions about their learning and careers.  As a result of this research a range of LMI resources and teaching materials called ‘Work for Tomorrow’ was developed.

Careers Award film montage is available.

Mon 25 Jan 2010, 11:52 | Tags: learning, careers

Alan Brown's blog

As part of the Festival of Social Sciences Alan has started a blog.  He will be blogging about his research on changing occupational identities, continuing vocational training and skill formation.
Mon 22 Jun 2009, 08:46 | Tags: learning, careers, skills

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