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IER's Quality Management System (QMS) for delivery of research services has been approved by Lloyds Register Quality Assurance to the international standard ISO9001: 2015 (certificate identity number ISO 9001 – 10636160).

Warwick Institute for Employment Research is committed to delivering high quality research that meets the requirements and expectations of our sponsors in the field of employment research. We strive to maintain and continually improve the quality of our services by working within a QMS for all elements of the research process, including research project design, contract and project management and research delivery. We manage our operations to meet our business objectives and monitor our performance against our objectives, procedures, sponsor feedback and the international standard ISO9001:2015.

Our QMS includes a quality manual and documented procedures for our business processes. These are available to all staff involved in the delivery of a research project to sponsors. We also have processes for seeking feedback from sponsors and for handling complaints which allow us to continuously monitor our performance and improve delivery of high quality research.

For further information on IER's QMS, contact the IER Administrator, Catherine Vassallo.