Invitation to contribute to Strategic, Accessible Labour Market Intelligence study
Skills Development Scotland has commissioned the Institute for Employment Research at the University of Warwick to review the current Scottish labour market intelligence system and provide an evidence base that will support future investment and development of SDS products and tools. The study aims to:
- Identify additional indicators and evidence that would enhance current data on skills demand, supply and mismatches;
- Advise on current SDS products and tools;
- Develop a model that would help SDS to measure the health of Scotland’s labour markets including their productivity, inclusiveness and sustainability; and
- Develop a draft digital platform that would enable users to access evidence on the above.
As part of the information gathering phase of the study, we would like to ask if you would be willing to be interviewed by as part of the study. The aim of this interview (whether by yourself or colleagues) would be to gather information and feedback on: available labour market intelligence on the Scottish labour market; current tools and products and how these are used; as well as ideas on how the current labour market intelligence system could be enhanced and developed further.
The interview would last approximately 45 minutes and an interview with colleagues would take up to 90 minutes.
Please be assured that all information collected will be treated in the strictest confidence and the anonymity of you and your organisation is guaranteed in any report. Our participant information sheet has further details about taking part and how we manage your data.
Please do not hesitate to contact the project lead sally-anne dot barnes at warwick dot ac dot uk if you need any further information or have any questions. If you are happy to take part in the study, please complete the participant consent form.
Thank you in advance for your help with this study.
Sally-Anne Barnes, Margaret Hawthorne and Sally Wright